Sexy Paris Hilton repsonds to the John McCain ad using her and Britney Spears to say Barack Obama is nothing more than a celebrity. She makes her own video for president and makes fun of the John McCain AD
paris hilton funny ad Paris Hilton for president |
Very Funny Paul Hunt does one of his signature gymnastics route spoofs. Very funny skit, once you start the video you won't stop until the end for sure!
funny video Paul Hunt gymnastics |
Now this is funny, check out the cartoon opening of the Simpsons on the right of the screen compared to a full re-enactment of it on the left with real people, etc... Very cool
Simpsons Cartoon re-enactement video |
A video showing and playing portions of the 50 best songs of all time and there are some classics in here, very well done video
50 greatest songs video |
Xing, a 41 year-old man, was calling from LanTian park in the middle of the night. The lonely and disturbed man had apparently thought it would be fun to have sex with one of the steel sit-up benches around the park.
lose penis man penis hump bench crazy video |
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