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Katy Perry Sesame Street Banned Show
Added: 23rd September 2010
Views: 12259
Comments: 5

Sesame Street taped this show with Katy Perry, but later decided that her clothing was too revealing for a kids show. I don't see anything wrong with it as an adult and I am sure kids wouldn't think twice about it. It is usually us sick adults who have those thoughts....

Tags: Katy Perry Sesame Street banned Video
Bad Tequila Shot Video
Added: 23rd September 2010
Views: 3740
Comments: 1

Now here kids is the way NOT to do a Tequila shot, this is bad, very bad. And yes before I get a bunch of comments, no Kids you shouldn't drink

Tags: bad tequila tequila tequila shot video
Very Cool Illusion Video
Added: 28th September 2010
Views: 2928
Comments: 0

Cool illusion video of a cube that appears to float right in their house.

Tags: illusion video cool video cube illusion floating cube
Jet Ski FAIL Funny Video
Added: 24th September 2010
Views: 3456
Comments: 1

Check out these smart guys. I guess they didn't have a trailer for their Jet Ski so they figured they would pull the whole van down in the lake to load it back up? I had to watch this one at least 3 times. Never underestimate the power of stupid people...

Tags: stupid funny jet ski video stupid video fail stupid people
Lollipop Singing Girl
Added: 1st October 2010
Views: 3639
Comments: 2

Cute video of a girl singing lollipop her voice and facial expressions are a little addicting for some reason

Tags: lollipop girl lolliipop video singing girl
What not to do in a Grocery Store
Added: 5th October 2010
Views: 3798
Comments: 1

Funny Video about what you shouldn't do in a grocery store, or in most public places would apply as well.

Tags: grocery store funny video
Funny Bar Video
Added: 7th October 2010
Views: 4306
Comments: 0

Preview for what always happens when you go to the bar and there is always someone who has just a few too many drinks, very funny video

Tags: bar video funny video drinks
Kid Hacker Funny Video FAIL
Added: 13th October 2010
Views: 3157
Comments: 1

This Kid thinks he is the future of hacking? Check this funny video out, he actually thinks that the tracert cmd is telling him how many people are on google and their IP addresses! Oh and there is usually only 10 people in the world on google at a time.... KID, YOU FAIL

Tags: funny video kid hacker fail fail video hacker kid
Wedding Photographer Oops
Added: 14th October 2010
Views: 5450
Comments: 0

Funny Video, It is the most important day in the brides life, her wedding, and they hire this photographer who figures he doesn't need to watch where he is going .... ooops

Tags: funny video wedding photographer wedding oops wedding video
Crazy Cigarette Magic Trick
Added: 25th October 2010
Views: 3537
Comments: 1

Check out this guy in the streets of Las Vegas, making a living with this crazy cool cigarette magic trick, I had to watch this one a few times and still don't know how the hell he does it.

Tags: cool video cigarette magic trick