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Funny sign Toilet paper for sale NEW
Added: 4th February 2012
Views: 4859
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Check out this funny sign, if not a stupid sign for some toilet paper that is for sale 2 for $1, and they really felt the need to mention that it is unused, ie NEW, you think?

Tags: funny sign stupid sign toilet paper for sale
Twilight New Moon emergency toilet paper
Added: 3rd March 2012
Views: 5348
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Funny picture showing the Twilight New Moon book and how it can best be used as emergency toilet paper

Tags: Twilight New Moon emergency toilet paper funny picture
Preparation H suppository Bullets
Added: 19th July 2012
Views: 5475
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Funny picture of Preparation H being used as bullets. I always thought they could be used as such and you can even get them in speed loads too!

Tags: Preparation H funny picture bullets speed load
Kohls and Dicks funny sign
Added: 25th July 2012
Views: 5624
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ya I used to like shopping at Kohls but I think that may change after reading this funny sign

Tags: Kohls funny sign funny Dicks
Hurricane Sandy the Positive Side
Added: 30th October 2012
Views: 5859
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With all the destruction and loss of life that Hurricane Sandy has caused it is nice to at least think about the positive side. So here is a funny picture just to remind you at least you got a break from the normal political season rhetoric.

Tags: Hurricane Sandy Funny Picture Positive Side Political Rhetoric
Arguing with a Woman Like getting Arrested
Added: 11th January 2013
Views: 5668
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A funny picture just letting you know that having an argument with a woman is just like getting arrested, it will ALL be used against you at some point.

Tags: Arguing with a Woman getting Arrested funny picture
Pens Where do They Go
Added: 17th February 2013
Views: 7113
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Where do pens go when you drop them, in other words how rare is it that you find it exactly where you think it should be. I guess the same could be used to show where socks go after you put them in the dryer.

Tags: Pens Go Pens Socks Where do They Go Dryer
Film Pictures vs Digital Pictures Today
Added: 19th March 2013
Views: 7190
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So true now with digital cameras we all take so many more pictures that we used to because we dont have to develop or keep every picture. So yes we do end up with a bunch of useless pictures but all we have to do is hit delete

Tags: Film Pictures Digital Pictures Cameras
TV remotes used to be a luxury
Added: 11th July 2016
Views: 5568
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TV remotes used to be a luxury

Tags: TV remote vintage luxury
Hot wife ready to be used like a good girl
Added: 2nd August 2016
Views: 23151
Comments: 10

Hot wife ready to be used like a good girl in her sexy purple lingerie

Tags: hot wife used good girl lingerie sexy