A funny picture outlining the serious issue that college graduates face today in finding a good job to pay off all their debt while attending school.
College Debt Graduates Good Job Jobs School |
Ah those crazy kids will try anything to get out of showing that note from school or report card to their parents. Some kids are obviously smarter than others at getting away with it though.
Parents Signature School Note Report Card Kids Funny |
See guys, they did this or similar fun experiments in school when you were young, but they didn't seem nearly as cool and now you are old. Kids, pay attention in class, Pendulum waves are cool, just see for yourself in this cool video.
pendulum waves cool video |
You may have heard about this hot Sydney Spies babe who just wants to be a model and tried using a sexy racy picture in her school yearbook. The school yearbook club has yanked the picture and she is not happy about it. She is now all over the news and getting lots of publicicy in this scandal,...
Sydney Spies yearbook picture sexy racy yearbook scandal |
This person obviously got an F grade on this exam but the teacher loved the creative and funny responses so much that an A+ was also awarded.
funny exam school exam teacher |
Welcome back to our students who are also alcoholics evidently. Certainly a funny sign and am guessing that they must include free #2 pencils with every vodka purchase.
back to school student pencils vodka funny sign |