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Celebrity Diane LaneCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsLong legs in heels for a sexy selfieScreen Team Christmas ParodyElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Pretty Emma Watson and her kittySexy Emma Watson showing her LegsAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscout

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Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen
Added: 18th October 2011
Views: 2615
Comments: 1

The cute twins Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen looking very pretty here, not sure what has happened to them and their careers, but you sure don't hear much about them anymore.

Tags: Mary Kate Olsen Ashley Olsen
Beautiful Joanna Garcia
Added: 20th October 2011
Views: 2861
Comments: 1

A truly classy beautiful actress, Joanna Garcia hasn't seemed to have a lot of luck in her career, but she is so very pretty to say the least. She looks amazing here in her skirt.

Tags: Joanna Garcia actress skirt
The babes of Harry Potter
Added: 25th October 2011
Views: 2344
Comments: 1

Of course you all know Emma Watson is a babe, but check out her other three friends from Harry Potter that look pretty damn fine.

Tags: Harry Potter Emma Watson babes
Pretty Holly Marie Combs Charmed girls
Added: 13th November 2011
Views: 3417
Comments: 1

Check out the very pretty Holly Marie Combs in this picture with the Charmed girls, Alyssa Milno, Holly Marie Combs, and Rose McGowan

Tags: Charmed girls Rose McGowan Alyssa Milano Holly Marie Combs
Tim Tebow crying Football FAIL
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 2359
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Someone should really let Tim Tebow know that there is no crying in Football, this is a huge fail in my book, suck it up pretty boy.

Tags: Tim Tebow football fail crying in football
Funny Video Ellen DeGeneres Breaking Dawn
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 2193
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I bet you didn't know that Ellen DeGeneres was in the movie Ellen DeGeneres, now that is a funny video. Her legs look pretty nice actually.

Tags: Ellen DeGeneres Breaking Dawn funny video
What kind of a man are you exactly
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2420
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How you pee can tell you a lot about exactly what kind of a man you are. Are you a pessimist, Optimist, etc... Pretty clever and funny picture.

Tags: funny picture how you pee what kind of man optimist pessimist
USB floppy thumb drive
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2816
Comments: 1

Not sure what you would call this one really, I guess it is still a USB drive, it just looks like a floppy disk, pretty funny really.

Tags: USB floppy drive USB drive funny
Funny Alzheimers Disease picture
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 3062
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Now now, not to make fun of a serious disease, but this is a pretty funny picture, what are the chances that an Alzheimers patient did forget their password?

Tags: Alzheimers Alzheimers disease funny picture forgot password
Kate Walsh looking pretty and leggy
Added: 3rd December 2011
Views: 3939
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Kate Walsh playing with the camera with a teasing look and ever so pretty and for sure leggy. She can be my doctor anytime.

Tags: Kate Walsh pretty teasing leggy doctor