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Funny Urinal Sign
Added: 9th August 2008
Views: 5744
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Man, talk about performance anxiety, trying to take a leak while staring at these funny urinal signs, although all the girls look pretty cute, I think I wouldn't pick the one that's laughing for sure!

Tags: funny urinal sign funny sign
Clint Eastwood at RNC Talks to Chair
Added: 31st August 2012
Views: 6811
Comments: 1

At the Republican National Convention last night RNC, Hollywood Star actor Clint Eastwood talked to a chair that represented invisible President Obama. Here is a funny picture that pretty much sums it up for you.

Tags: Clint Eastwood invisible Obama talks to chair Republican National Convention RNC President Obama funny picture
Alcohol makes you feel cool
Added: 20th May 2009
Views: 8355
Comments: 2

So you have a feel drinks of alcohol and you are feeling pretty good, relaxed, confident, etc... Well this is what you really look like after all those drinks people!

Tags: alcohol cool drinks feel cool
Drunk Paris Hilton
Added: 14th October 2008
Views: 5295
Comments: 2

Paris Hilton parties, gets drunk on her birthday and does some singing. I guess when you are Paris or have that much money you can pretty much do what you want.... right? I think she has learned that lesson, or maybe not

Tags: Paris Hilton drunk birthday
Beautiful Kelly Monaco
Added: 18th November 2008
Views: 4963
Comments: 1

Kelly Monaco and some event showing just how pretty she can be. Most people will recognize her from her daytime soap opera General Hospital and maybe Dancing with the Stars, but back in her younger days she was also a playboy bunny.

Tags: Kelly Monaco General Hospital Playboy Dancing with the Stars pretty
Computers are like toilets
Added: 10th February 2009
Views: 4539
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Or should it be toilets are like computers, not sure, but this is still a pretty funny picture analogy.

Tags: computers toilets analogy funny picture
Foxhole Exotic Dancers
Added: 3rd March 2011
Views: 3895
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Really, a place called 'The Foxhole' exotic dancers are looking to hire just 1 pretty stripper babe, but 2 ugly dancers? Shouldn't it be the other way around at least?

Tags: foxhole sexy dancers exotic dancers funny sign
Babes in Bikinis Failing Video
Added: 8th April 2013
Views: 7684
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Well the title pretty much say what you need to know it is a video of a bunch of girls in their bikinis failing at something

Tags: Bikini Fail Video Bikini Fail
Babe Shoots Gun Wrong
Added: 28th September 2009
Views: 6532
Comments: 2

I am pretty sure of two things here, 1. this babe is doing this way wrong, and 2. this is going to hurt..., she is cute, but she does fail at shooting this gun

Tags: babe shoots gun wrong gun gun fail
The WTF Stamp
Added: 3rd October 2009
Views: 4516
Comments: 1

Everyone should have a WTF stamp at work although i am pretty sure i would need alot of ink refills from all the stupid people

Tags: WTF Stamp work stamp stupid people