We have all, well most of us have been on the plane and seen these stupid signs telling you how to evacuate the plane in case of emergency, and normally the pictures are so dumb, ok well so is this one.
airplane evacuation airplane stupid sign funny picture |
Check out this impressive high resolution picture of a United States Navy aircraft carrier at sea loaded with war planes like the F-18. That is some amazing firepower and projection of force.
United States Navy aircraft carrier war planes F-18 |
Ever wonder how stuff like this isn't defined as false advertising? I mean, rarely does the product you see advertised on TV, billboards, etc... ever look like what you actually get if you order one. Fast food is perhaps the most notorious, check out these funny and somewhat disturbing pictures...
advertising false advertisement McDonald\ |
These kids today have it so easy with the multiple GB storage devices that fit in their pockets, do they even have any idea what a floppy disk really is, check out this funny picture as it proves that they do know.
kids today floppy disks storage devices funny picture |
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