Jennifer Morrison posing for this cute picture of her on a nice leather couch of some sort, now if the camera was just a little to the left we could see more of her perfect legs
Jennifer Morrison cute picture pose celebrity |
Little miss pretty Diane Lane, somehow you can picture her as the innocent housewife, a model , or a babe that teases all the guys, but one thing is for sure, she is damn pretty and hot all at the same time.
Diane Lane pretty Diane Lane celebrity |
Jennifer Morrison in a hot pictures revealing her great legs in heels and even wearing some nice tight leather, no need to really even mention the short skirt is there? The House babe has given us something to fantasize about yet again.
Jennifer Morrison legs skirt leather sexy pose heels House celebrity |
We have all been here, for some reason it seems like socks are the first to disappear while doing laundry. I have been trying to figure this out for years and still can't decide if it is the washing machine or the dryer that seems to eat socks, perhaps they are converted to lint and shot out of...
missing laundry socks funny socks picture |
We all wish we could carry one of these care meters in our pockets, there is always that person who likes to blab on and on about stuff you don't care anything about.... yet you are polite and stand there nodding your head like you do care
care meter funny picture |
We have all seen these chain letters over and over in our emails, do this and you will get a dollar in the mail, or you won't die tomorrow, or you will have good luck forever, etc.. Post it on Facebook to your status if you support the cause, blah blah blah, all spam basically. Well I have to...
chain letter funny letter funny spam |
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