I have been saying it for a while now, even before his latest round of ranting. This guy is freaking Evil man, then I ran across this picture which proves my point, I mean if I found it on the internet it must be true right!?!?
Mel Gibson crazy rant Devil Picture |
In breaking news today, Florida has decided (finally) that they are done with living in Hurricane alley, they have petitioned the federal government with a notice to move the state as shown in this picture.
Florida hurricane hurricane alley |
Check out the genius who tarred this road right around an electric pole. Probably just doing what his boss told him...
funny tar road picture |
Check out this ant, while all the others are busy gathering their food, he picks up some weed!? hahaha, the best part is that even his eyes are bloodshot!
funny picture ant weed |
I have CAPS lock on and can't get it off, help.... amazing some people are so stupid, I like the reply though. Just another funny picture of how stupid people can really be.
funny caps lock funny picture stupid people |
We have all been there, feeling like ***** after a night or day of heavy drinking, well this is why , everything you never cared about the anatomy of why you get a hangover and what causes it. Cool and interesting facts, but who cares, get your drink on!
hangover facts hangover anatomy funny picture |
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