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Gangnam Style Not Allowed Funny Sign
Added: 19th November 2012
Views: 6090
Comments: 0

A funny sign that shows smoking, littering, spitting, and even Gangnam style is not allowed

Tags: Gangnam Style Funny Sign No Smoking Gangnam
iPad Funny Picture Eye Pad
Added: 7th December 2012
Views: 6715
Comments: 1

Someone technology challenged could easily make this mistake about a real iPad vs a bandage Eye Pad, poor kid.

Tags: iPad Eye Pad Funny Picture Bandage Poor Kid Technology
Do You Have Bad Handwriting
Added: 10th December 2012
Views: 5589
Comments: 0

A quick and funny picture about how you might not actually have bad handwriting and it is really just your own unique font!

Tags: Bad Handwriting Funny Picture Font Unique Font
Happy Earth Day Go Green
Added: 22nd April 2013
Views: 7723
Comments: 0

Happy Earth Day 2013 everyone. Remember we only have this one planet and while I am by no means a tree hugger, we do need to do what we can to protect our home in space.

Tags: Earth Day 2013 Go Green Earth
Funny Baby Sleeping Positions
Added: 20th December 2012
Views: 6076
Comments: 1

For anyone who has had kids we know that these are ALL so true. The baby always seems to win the battle of sleeping positions. My favorite would probably have to be the Booby Trap followed closely by the Stalker

Tags: Baby Sleeping Positions Funny Picture Kids Sleeping Booby Trap
Happy Mayan Day To All
Added: 21st December 2012
Views: 5796
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Well I guess if I am writing this and you are ready it then we all know that today is Mayan day or the end of the world so here is a funny old time cartoon picture to keep you smiling until the very end.

Tags: Mayan Day End of the World Earth Shattering Kaboom Funny Picture
Fiscal Cliff Put Into Perspective
Added: 31st December 2012
Views: 6201
Comments: 1

With all the politicians confusing the real issues around the Fiscal Cliff debates , taxing those evil Rich People and cutting spending for those innocent poor people. Here is a neat picture that puts it all into perspective and why raises taxes and the debt ceiling is not the answer.

Tags: Fiscal Cliff Debate Taxes Rich Poor Debt Ceiling
Which Side of the Bed is Yours
Added: 10th January 2013
Views: 6159
Comments: 1

A quick and funny picture of some pillow cases that can now easily define which side of the bed is yours.

Tags: which side of the bed funny picture pillow cases
Arguing with a Woman Like getting Arrested
Added: 11th January 2013
Views: 5652
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A funny picture just letting you know that having an argument with a woman is just like getting arrested, it will ALL be used against you at some point.

Tags: Arguing with a Woman getting Arrested funny picture
United States border Facts Illegal  Aliens
Added: 11th January 2013
Views: 6175
Comments: 1

A quick picture outlining just how silly the US is with illegal aliens crossing our borders and what we actually do as a country once they are here. Now I am all for someone legally coming into this country, paying taxes, bettering society, etc... but we all know how often that happens.

Tags: United States Illegal Aliens Border Crossing Facts