A funny flow chart showing just how you look for food in your house when you are hungry and pretty much know you have nothing good to eat.
funny flow chart hungry funny flow chart |
The aysos.com team has been testing video intros for awhile now and are happy to present what is now live for all videos. We hope you enjoy. Please note, since the video is the intro, you are going to see the intro and then the intro for this intro video, get it? ;)
aysos video video intro video theme aysos theme |
Come on people help save a child and slow down while driving so our children can walk aimless in traffic while getting that all important texting done. Another Funny Sign from AYSOS
Texting Funny Sign Children Slow Down aysos |
Sure there are some who have trained and conditioned their bodies so they can walk right across red hot coals but can they make it across on Legos? I don't think so.
Legos walking on Legos hot coals funny picture |
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