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No Alcohol beyond this point funny sign
Added: 6th January 2012
Views: 3882
Comments: 0

A funny sign that tells you no alcohol is allowed beyond this point, and the very kindly offers you a solution to the problem.

Tags: funny sign alcohol beyond this point funny
Funny sign scarce building restrooms
Added: 21st December 2011
Views: 3374
Comments: 0

In this building they have put up a funny sign letting you know just how scarce the restrooms are in the building, basically it wouldn't be good to be stuck on the 21st floor...

Tags: funny sign restrooms scarce restrooms funny
Cool wine glass with built in straw
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 5449
Comments: 3

Not sure why you would want to drink you wine out of a straw of any kind really, but here is a cool picture of some wine glasses with a built in straw.

Tags: wine glasses cool picture wine straw
Rather have sex or cuddle or both
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 3604
Comments: 1

I must admit this funny picture didn't take me too long to figure out, but if you read closely you will figure out that it is not asking you if you would rather cuddle than have sex, it is more of which order would you do it in. If you don't get it, leave a comment so we can all make fun of you.

Tags: funny picture sex or cuddle sex cuddle
Funny anger management vending machine
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 3771
Comments: 1

check out this Funny picture, Now you can take out your frustrations by using this all new anger management vending machine. For just a few dollars you can purchase some fine china, crystal glasses and just about anything expensive and breakable just so you can smash it all to pieces.

Tags: funny picture anger management vending machine frustrations
Die Hard Christmas funny shirt
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 4256
Comments: 0

We all remember the movie Die Hard right, you know with one of the only guys on the planet that could possibly battle Chuck Norris? How about a funny shirt for Christmas?

Tags: Die Hard Bruce Willis funny shirt Christmas Chuck Norris
Funny picture top 5 lies of girls and guys
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 3467
Comments: 0

Excuse some of the language in this funny picture since I know you loyal aysos visitors are offended easily, but this is a good funny picture showing the top 5 lies that both girls and guys tell about themselves.

Tags: top lies girls and guys funny picture
Awesome pool at a rich house
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 3333
Comments: 0

Now there are pools and there are POOLS! Forget those little air filled pools, the plastic pools, this guy has the right idea, not to mention the money for an awesome pool complete with plexiglass on one side. Can we say rich bastard? We should tax this a-hole more for being one of those 1%...

Tags: awesome pool 99% 1% ahole money rich
Funny sign centipede bug killed
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 3534
Comments: 0

No doubt this took place in some dorm room across the country, but this college guy sure did send those centipedes a message loud and clear with his little post it note, oh and funny.

Tags: funny sign centipedes post it note
Funny picture to use a condom
Added: 20th December 2011
Views: 3170
Comments: 0

If there was ever a dimplier way to get people to notice and use a condom, this funny picture math problem gets the point across quickly and makes an impact. Use protection people, protect against unwanted pregnancy and STDs!

Tags: STD condom use protection funny picture pregnancy