It is amazing what you could learn about yourself or others just by making sure you are observant and notice those subtle differences in life. Take this funny picture for instance, can you pick out the different in under 5 seconds, oh and make sure you read the fine print, it is very funny.
funny picture subtle differences read the fine print funny |
Now here is a stupid sign for hot glass, I am guessing they were trying to be sensitive to the blind, but Braille on a sign that say Hot Glass, I don't think that is going to work to well.
stupid sign Braille hot glass the blind |
Check out this very cool artistic drawing of the hit show NCIS cast, including Abby, Tony, Ziva, and of course Gibbs. By the way Ziva is a babe and if you don't agree you are not human.
NCIS Abby Tony Gibbs Ziva artistic drawing |
Really, those that think cigarette companies like Marlboro are marketing to kids are just being silly. Take this crazy picture for instance, can you really honestly say you think this is targeting children? Wow, and now it even has 100% more nicotine!
crazy picture Marlboro cigarettes marketing to kids |
You know they keep showing kids Barbie as a beautiful blonde that must never age because she has looked like that since I was a kid. So here is a funny picture showing just what she would really look like now.
Barbie funny picture Barbie old aged Barbie |
Just a funny picture about the various affects of alcohol and weed on your body. At first glance it seems that weed is the much safer way to go and of course is illegal. Not matter your stance on this issue, it is a cool cartoon picture.
funny picture alcohol weed affects cartoon |
You get home finally ready to open that nice can of mush Sardines, you tongue is watering to bite into those soft bones, but when you open the can you find out that quality control was very lacking and instead you got a can of a can, great job guys, no you are going to go hungry.
sardines can quality quality control job |
Most people don't realize how much their life or lack thereof really depends on the internet. It is something that you don't notice until it is gone due to a power outage or something. Just like the phone, the internet has become and vital piece of our lives and it is hard to find something to...
funny picture no internet access internet |
The Lemon Law as most people know it is officially called the Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, but basically it protects consumers from vehicles that have problem after problem as provides them some protection. Check out this funny picture of a Chevy Volt that implies the Lemon Law will be used.
Lemon Law Federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act funny picture Chevy Volt |
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