The ultimate in personal defense against a sexual attack. All rapists should be dealt with like murders in my opinion, but this new tampon device is indeed funny for a not so funny subject about rape.
rape tampon rape protection sexual attack |
Sexy Celebrity Hayden Panettiere looking very nice with her bright red lipstick and perfect shoulder line while showing off her... upper assets. You probably know her best from the show Heroes, but she has been in many movies and guest appearances on a few sitcoms. A very sexy celebrity for sure.
celebrity Hayden Panettiere Hayden Panettiere lipstick Hereos |
Now here is a diner I would be waiting in line to eat at, sometimes the waitress is there and sometimes not! A great and funny sign to put out, at least they are being honest about perhaps providing poor service to their customers
waitress funny sign poor service |
Now here is a reason to lower gas prices, PDiddy is complaining because he can't fly is private jet back and worth to Los Angelas because gas for his jet is too expensive, man if we only all had that problem, give me a break.
P Diddy Pdiddy gas prices |
hahaha, now this sign brings out all the dirty thoughts in my head for sure. I think they would have thought about this placement just a little bit better. Oh well, make for funny material for us to laugh at anyway.
ladies slippery wet |
Another great picture of your favorite leggy Helen Flanagan in sexy black stockings, what a great smile and everything else to boot. I need to look her up to see what she has starred in, but I get a bit distracted every time I look at her pictures.
Helen Flanagan legs stockings heels |
WTF, you know you have a problem in your neighborhood if you actually have to post signs that say this is a No Ho Zone, wow
no ho zone stupid sign ho zone |
Now this is an amazing video on how to fold a shirt and I know you are all going to try and do this as soon as you see it, never thought you could fold a tshirt this quick and perfect
amazing video fold a shirt |
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