As you may know for every real product out there, it is very likely that there is a fake, cheap, remade product that looks the same, but just isn't. In this case it is a fake Sony PlayStation controller, so the question is what do you call a fake Sony controller? A Fony Sony of course.
Sony fake Sony Fony Sony |
Now this is funny, this guy wants to buy a Toyota Prius from Craigslist, but his iPhone auto corrects the word Prius and makes the text message sound a bit creepy.
Craigslist FAIL text message Toyota Prius |
Now this is a great idea for a prank, simply place an air horn on the wall behind the door and scare the crap out of your friends or family.
funny prank air horn door scare friends |
Now this guy knows how to Photoshop or Photochop as some people like to call it and certainly appears to be the better word for it here. That is funny, but can we say FAIL
Photoshop fail Photochop funny |
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