An actual picture taken of the sugar, salt, and pepper holder at an iHop, wow, nobody noticed that they were creating a phallic symbol to be put on thousands of tables around the country or what?
funny picture ihop ihop picture phallic symbol |
wow, now this is gonna hurt, a girl with very cute feet walking on barbed wire, with her feet it just shouldn't be allowed.
cute feet barbed wire |
Common Sense, not sure how common it really is anymore and obviously these guys don't have any. I give them credit for coming up with a creative solution to the problem, but I bet they are just asking for more problems. Just a fine example of more stupid people in the world
common sense stupid people |
Paris Hilton parties, gets drunk on her birthday and does some singing. I guess when you are Paris or have that much money you can pretty much do what you want.... right? I think she has learned that lesson, or maybe not
Paris Hilton drunk birthday |
Now this girl can do some crazy sexy stuff with her toungue, wow....
crazy tounge girl |
What happens when one day there is no news to report? Read the scrolling ticker tape, it is crazy funny. No news is good news... I guess that is what they say right
no news news news video funny video |
Celebrity Eva Longoria has reportedly gained 6-10 pounds, probably for the new season of Desperate Housewives where she now has a baby, or is finally realizing that she looks very sexy with more curves than she did when she was way to skinny, I like the new look for sure Eva
Eva Longoria sexy celebrity Desperate Housewives |
Anyone up for some good ole Mortar Ball? Come on, you know you have always wanted to try this, ... if you do, I would wear some protection for those closely protected male parts
mortar ball funny |
Now you can smell the different types of air from many foreign countries from the comfort of your own home, just 19.99 plus shipping. Just bottle up the clean air when you visit these countries and sell it on eBay. I wonder if you can get diet or carb free air... hmm...
bottled air funny clean air |
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