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Reserved for Drunk Drivers
Added: 7th May 2009
Views: 3029
Comments: 0

I don't know how you feel about drunk drivers, but I thought this was very funny and a very appropriate parking space for all of them.

Tags: parking reserved drunk drivers
Who came first Chicken or the Egg
Added: 12th May 2009
Views: 4250
Comments: 0

ah.. The age old question, who came first the chicken or the egg? Although this cartoon is quite a bit more funny for sure...

Tags: chicken egg came first funny cartoon
Downloading the Internet
Added: 12th May 2009
Views: 3519
Comments: 1

Ever wonder how long it would take to download the entire internet over a 41kbps connection? No , me either, but funny none the less

Tags: download internet funny
Ashley vs The Octomom
Added: 12th May 2009
Views: 3869
Comments: 0

Just for mother's day, Ashley vs. The OctoMom funny video

Tags: funny video octomom mothers day
Funny No Grabbing Sign
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 4682
Comments: 2

It kinda makes you wonder does this happen that often that a sign actually needed to be created to stop such action, and if it really happens that often do we really think a little funny sign is going to stop it?

Tags: grabbing boobs funny sign
Baltic Bitch Hotel
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 3463
Comments: 1

Not sure if the word ****** means something else in foreign countries, nor am I sure where this hotel actually is, but funny name for a Hotel non the less.

Tags: bitch hotel baltic funny name hotel
Stupid Crosswalk
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 3654
Comments: 1

I have seen crosswalks where there shouldn't be, I have wondering why there aren't crosswalks in certain places, but I have never seen a crosswalk as stupid as this, I mean it looks like an alley, is there really that much traffic that it would require our tax dollars to be used? What is it,...

Tags: crosswalk funny picture
Fence Treated with Lubricant
Added: 8th September 2008
Views: 3378
Comments: 1

Now I have seen some fairly strange fetishes in my day, but what are they thinking here, is there really a high demand for fence f'ing? Ok, if I am now being logical , I am guessing they are trying to prevent people from climbing it, but aren't there better ways to accomplish that task? I can...

Tags: lubricant fence funny sign
Cool way to pick up chicks
Added: 20th January 2009
Views: 2314
Comments: 0

You have to have some guts to pull this off.

Tags: funny pick up chicks
Pac-Man The Movie
Added: 9th September 2008
Views: 4182
Comments: 1

How would Pacman play out in real life you ask? Watch this very funny Pac-Man video and find out, this took some time and planning for sure.

Tags: pacman. pac-man. pac man. funny video