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Green energy turn off the lights
Added: 8th February 2012
Views: 5086
Comments: 1

Funny picture you can either go green with your energy use or at least save the non green energy you are using. Come on, if you turn it on, make sure you finish the job and turn the lights back off when you are done

Tags: green energy go green turn on lights funny picture
President Obama Government Shutdown
Added: 2nd October 2013
Views: 6942
Comments: 1

A funny picture showing a possible solution to President Obama and the United States government shutdown. Turn it off and back on again!

Tags: President Obama Government Shutdown United States Funny Picture
Raising the Debt Ceiling Madness
Added: 16th October 2013
Views: 6331
Comments: 0

Once again the United States will likely raise the debt ceiling in an effort to fix the spending problems. A funny cartoon to bring home the point of just how much sense this continues to make.

Tags: Debt Ceiling Funny Cartoon DUI United States Spending
Taylor Swift and Kanye West Funny legos
Added: 10th February 2012
Views: 5359
Comments: 1

Taylor Swift and Kanye West now even have their own funny Lego action figure set. It even comes with a mic in Kanyes hand and Taylor holding her award. 6+ years or older please.

Tags: Taylor Swift Kanye West Legos action figure funny picture funny
Funny video for a beer commercial
Added: 10th February 2012
Views: 5203
Comments: 0

You could almost see where this was going to go after the first change but it is an oddly funny video commercial for a beer I have never heard about.

Tags: funny video beer commercial funny commercial beer
How to impress a girl at the gym
Added: 11th February 2012
Views: 5210
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A funny picture showing you just how you can impress that hot girl at the gym and just want machine to use to do it, the ATM

Tags: ATM hot girl impress girl gym gym girl funny picture
Vegetarian Indian name for bad hunter
Added: 13th February 2012
Views: 5592
Comments: 1

A funny sign that shows the true translation of the word Vegetarian meaning that the person basically just cant hunt and thus is forced to eat grass.

Tags: Vegetarian funny sign Indian name bad hunter
Arguing or explaining why you are right
Added: 16th February 2012
Views: 4816
Comments: 0

A funny picture about arguing vs just explaining why you are right and they are wrong.

Tags: arguing funny picture why you are right they are wrong right funny
A special Valentines Day pizza
Added: 19th February 2012
Views: 4922
Comments: 0

Now here is a funny picture of a special pizza made just for his wife on Valentines Day, I guess they say it is the thought that counts right?

Tags: Valentines Day funny picture pizza
HTML and HTML5 differences funny picture
Added: 19th February 2012
Views: 4919
Comments: 0

Funny picture on an actual slide show showing you just how to tell if the webpage you are browsing is using HTML or the newer HTML5 version with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Tags: HTML HTML5 Microsoft Internet Explorer funny picture