check out this Funny picture, Now you can take out your frustrations by using this all new anger management vending machine. For just a few dollars you can purchase some fine china, crystal glasses and just about anything expensive and breakable just so you can smash it all to pieces.
funny picture anger management vending machine frustrations |
Excuse some of the language in this funny picture since I know you loyal aysos visitors are offended easily, but this is a good funny picture showing the top 5 lies that both girls and guys tell about themselves.
top lies girls and guys funny picture |
Get your minds out of the gutter people, it is just a funny picture about some eggs about who just got laid.
got laid funny picture eggs |
No doubt this took place in some dorm room across the country, but this college guy sure did send those centipedes a message loud and clear with his little post it note, oh and funny.
funny sign centipedes post it note |
If there was ever a dimplier way to get people to notice and use a condom, this funny picture math problem gets the point across quickly and makes an impact. Use protection people, protect against unwanted pregnancy and STDs!
STD condom use protection funny picture pregnancy |
Funny sign from the IT System administrator telling you to not feed his intern, they are tearing him down to build him up to be a new Sys Admin, cocky and the whole bit.
system administrator IT funny sign sys admin |
A funny comic about 2 guys, one stranded on a deserted island and one in the middle of the ocean in a boat and they both think they are saved by each other.
funny comic funny lost at sea funny picture |
We have all seen those piece of junk cars people drive with a big anti-theft sticker on the window trying to warn people that believe it or not it does have a car anti-theft alarm installed.
car anti-theft car alarm funny sticker |
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