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Evolution of alcohol through the night
Added: 9th December 2011
Views: 3177
Comments: 0

A funny picture showing how your night is likely to evolve with alcohol consumption.

Tags: evolution alcohol funny picture alcohol consumption
My Girlfriend and Your Girlfriend funny sign
Added: 9th December 2011
Views: 3601
Comments: 1

Just a funny sign showing the difference between My Girlfriend and Your Girlfriend.

Tags: my girlfriend your girlfriend funny sign
Troops need your help support them
Added: 10th December 2011
Views: 3434
Comments: 0

Our troops in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan need your help, support them by sending more cardboard for their funny signs.

Tags: troops Iraq Afghanistan support your troops funny signs cardboard
How to get out of a boot on your car
Added: 11th December 2011
Views: 3401
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Check out this funny picture of what a creative problem solver guy did to get his car, I guess that is certainly one way to get out of that pesky problem of having a boot put on your car tire.

Tags: car boot problem solver funny picture tire boot
Adobe WanKenobi funny picture
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 4201
Comments: 1

If you don't laugh at this funny picture then you are obviously not a Star Wars fan and or not a computer geek. Get it, Adobe WanKenobi?

Tags: Adobe WanKenobi Star Wars computer geek funny picture
Funny sign what kind of a person are you
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3396
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A funny sign pointing out exactly the difference in Great, Average, and small people. This would be a great sign to hang up at my workplace.

Tags: funny sign people kinds of people great people
Pregnancy fail welcome home dad
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 4824
Comments: 1

So you might not immediately understand why this funny picture is a pregnancy fail, so make sure you read that her husband has been away at war for 12 months so how could it be his baby? I guess he could have come home on leave for a few days or something...

Tags: pregnancy fail funny picture husband away at war welcome home
Kiddie Tazer available now
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3883
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Finally, what every parent has been looking for, The Kiddie Tazer, a way to electrocute sensibly punish your kids to get the point across. Available now at your local convenience store or order online with free shipping.

Tags: kiddie tazer funny picture punish your kids free shipping
Funny video the Manslator
Added: 13th December 2011
Views: 4291
Comments: 1

A funny video for all those guys out there than need help translating what women say and what they really mean. Here is what you have been waiting for all your life, the Manslator!

Tags: funny video manslator what women say women translate
Wet dream text message joke
Added: 14th December 2011
Views: 4268
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Wet dreams may not always be as good as you might think, especially if you are on the receiving end of a joke via a funny text message.

Tags: wet dreams text message joke funny funnt text