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Now is your commute to work that bad
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 2557
Comments: 0

All you ever hear about on the news, Facebook, and Twitter is people complaining about something and many times it is about their commute to work. With this economy I guess you should feel lucky to have a job, but check out this crazy picture of a bunch of people on their commute to work, is...

Tags: commute to work funny picture Facebook job crazy picture
Whitetail buck deer tries to mount girl
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 4607
Comments: 1

I really need to take this girl with me hunting, check out this crazy funny video of this Whitetail buck deer following her around and trying to mount her! The guy taping is kind of annoying, but you have to see this to believe it.

Tags: whitetail deer buck crazy video funny video deer mount
Funny mail order bride in a box
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 2932
Comments: 1

Finally after about 2 weeks of waiting on UPS, I finally got my mail order bride delivered. So far I couldn't be happier, she was packaged very nicely into her box complete with bubble wrap, no damage that I can see and all her parts seem to be working correctly.

Tags: mail order bride funny UPS delivered
This guy is doing Sex all wrong
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 3839
Comments: 0

You have to give him credit, some guys can never find the right hole, at least before getting themselves into trouble. He is trying, but doing sex all wrong, its just a funny picture people so lighten up a bit and smile.

Tags: funny picture sex all wrong sex doing it wrong
Subtle difference can tell you a lot
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 3220
Comments: 1

It is amazing what you could learn about yourself or others just by making sure you are observant and notice those subtle differences in life. Take this funny picture for instance, can you pick out the different in under 5 seconds, oh and make sure you read the fine print, it is very funny.

Tags: funny picture subtle differences read the fine print funny
Funny sign violators bitch slapped
Added: 3rd December 2011
Views: 2696
Comments: 0

Check out this funny sign and find out what could happen to those that dare be violators of the rule and get bitch slapped.

Tags: violators funny sign bitch slapped
Rubiks cube for dummies
Added: 3rd December 2011
Views: 2983
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Here is a funny picture showing you the sure fire way to finally beat the Rubik's cube puzzle for all those dummies out there.... including me..... the answer? Just paint it

Tags: Rubicks Cube for dummies paint it funny picture
Babe in heels xray picture
Added: 3rd December 2011
Views: 3256
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Check out this HOT picture of a babe in heels, the only issue is that she has no skin, but other than that she looks like a totally hot babe, for a skeleton anyway.

Tags: babe in heels xray picture funny picture heels hot babe
What does Barbie really look like now
Added: 3rd December 2011
Views: 13579
Comments: 3

You know they keep showing kids Barbie as a beautiful blonde that must never age because she has looked like that since I was a kid. So here is a funny picture showing just what she would really look like now.

Tags: Barbie funny picture Barbie old aged Barbie
Affects of alcohol and weed are different
Added: 4th December 2011
Views: 3093
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Just a funny picture about the various affects of alcohol and weed on your body. At first glance it seems that weed is the much safer way to go and of course is illegal. Not matter your stance on this issue, it is a cool cartoon picture.

Tags: funny picture alcohol weed affects cartoon