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Is Barack Obama Steve Urkel
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 4592
Comments: 1

Funny political cartoon picture showing a Steve Urkel and Barack Obama morph. Did I do that, Steve/Barack says about the U.S. economy.

Tags: Barack Obama Steve Urkel political cartoon funny picture
Funny Video Ellen DeGeneres Breaking Dawn
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 2192
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I bet you didn't know that Ellen DeGeneres was in the movie Ellen DeGeneres, now that is a funny video. Her legs look pretty nice actually.

Tags: Ellen DeGeneres Breaking Dawn funny video
Thanksgiving Funny seating chart
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2233
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Do you know where you are sitting at the table for your Thanksgiving feast? Well, if not here is a funny picture flowchart showing you just how to make sense of the madness.

Tags: Thanksgiving funny seating chart feast funny
Chuck Norris had a role in Star Wars
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2667
Comments: 1

I bet you didn't know that Chuck Norris had a role in the Star Wars movies, and when I say movieS, I do mean ALL of them. Check out this funny picture to see what I am talking about.

Tags: Chuck Norris Star Wars force funny picture
Guy FAILS trying to Occupy Wall Street
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2449
Comments: 1

This guy just wants to get involved with the Occupy Wall street movement, he made a sign and everything, but alas, he FAILS

Tags: occupy wall street fail funny picture
Bonde DUI driving with open beer
Added: 24th November 2011
Views: 2896
Comments: 2

This Alabama woman is so dumb that after being pulled over by a Tennessee cop for her funny driving skills, she reaches for her purse to get her license with an open beer right next to her in the car. While she is doing this another officer takes this picture from the passenger window!!!

Tags: Alabama driving car beer blonde DUI DWI
Soup specifically designed for sluts
Added: 24th November 2011
Views: 2279
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Yes, you read the title correctly, this funny picture shows soup has evidently been specifically designed just for sluts. Check out the slogan on the wrapper, Cheap, Fast and Easy, makes sense to me

Tags: funny picture soup for sluts cheap and easy
Funny say it out loud picture
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2256
Comments: 1

Just a funny picture that makes no sense until you say it out loud a few times in a row.

Tags: funny picture say it out loud
Budweiser Beer USB thumb drive
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2338
Comments: 0

The king of all beers and now the king of USB thumb drives, Budweiser Beer has truly outdone themselves on this one.

Tags: Budweiser Beer USB thumb drive funny beer
What kind of a man are you exactly
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2418
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How you pee can tell you a lot about exactly what kind of a man you are. Are you a pessimist, Optimist, etc... Pretty clever and funny picture.

Tags: funny picture how you pee what kind of man optimist pessimist