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Funny Occupy Wallstreet picture
Added: 8th November 2011
Views: 7317
Comments: 10

The occupy Wallstreet movement has gotten old and stale to me, stop protesting and looking for an excuse and get out there and find a job already people, how long do you really think you can blame those evil rich people? Sure some of the rich people are doing wrong, but I bet there are many more...

Tags: occupy wallstreet funny picture occupy wallstreet
Funny Herman Cain sex abuse scandal
Added: 9th November 2011
Views: 2677
Comments: 1

Just a quick funny picture about the whole Herman Cain sex abuse scandal currently going on in the presidential race.

Tags: Herman Cain sex abuse scandal presidential race
Look left funny fail picture
Added: 10th November 2011
Views: 1999
Comments: 0

A stupid fail picture asking you to look left, and I bet you didn't because you are stupid too.

Tags: funny fail picture funny picture fail picture
Good girls go to heaven bad girls
Added: 11th November 2011
Views: 2041
Comments: 0

If good girls go to heaven where do the bad girls go then? Just a funny quote

Tags: good girls bad girls funny quote
Funny always eject your USB safely
Added: 12th November 2011
Views: 2483
Comments: 0

This guy is a hardcore bada$$, he doesn't even eject his USB safely, that crazy guy. Funny picture

Tags: funny picture USB eject safely
Suprise birthday party funny comic
Added: 12th November 2011
Views: 2316
Comments: 0

A funny comic, it took me a few seconds to 'get it', but I did. Basically the brother is a twin meaning he has the same birthday as his brother, but he is the one helping set it up.

Tags: funny comic birthday party suprise twin brother
Apple slide to unlock idea
Added: 13th November 2011
Views: 2549
Comments: 1

Where exactly did Apple come up with the simple but ingeinous idea of sliding to unlock your iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc..? Well here is a quick funny picture showing just how they did it.

Tags: Apple slide to unlock iPhone iPad iPod
Funny ATF store sign
Added: 14th November 2011
Views: 2924
Comments: 1

A funny sign about how Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store and not a government agency.

Tags: ATF Alcohol Tobacco Firearms funny sign store
Funny prank video Pink Elephants
Added: 15th November 2011
Views: 2797
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny video prank all about people seeing a pink elephant.

Tags: funny prank prank video funny video pink elephant
Cute bananas cuddling
Added: 15th November 2011
Views: 2118
Comments: 0

Check out this funny picture of a few bananas that are secure enough with each other to do some cuddling.

Tags: Cute bananas funny picture cuddling