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Vegetarian is really tribal slang
Added: 28th October 2011
Views: 2196
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Funny picture giving the true definition and origin of the word Vegetarian. I guess if you can't hunt or fish you would have to be a vegetarian.

Tags: funny picture Vegetarian hunt and fish
Steps to the garage door
Added: 29th October 2011
Views: 2072
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Now this is a funny picture of a unique design, ok a stupid design, why in the world would you have steps down to your garage door, can we all say FAIL together.

Tags: garage door steps stupid design funny picture
Apple iEverything craze from iPads
Added: 1st November 2011
Views: 4511
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We all know that Apple has been crazy successful the past few years due to their various iProducts, starting with the iPod, then the iPhone and iPad, how about iPaid!? Just a funny picture showing just how crazy it has gotten.

Tags: Apple iPod iPhone iPad funny picture
Funny Microsoft Windows paperclip
Added: 1st November 2011
Views: 2227
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You all remember the little paperclip helper guy that came with Microsoft Windows right? He was so annoying that they ended up giving users an option to disable his help, then they removed him completely. Well, he is back in this funny picture giving help to install Windows , and it isn't the...

Tags: Microsoft Windows paperclip helper funny picture
When Women say what
Added: 3rd November 2011
Views: 2279
Comments: 1

Funny picture letting you know that when a woman says what to you, it isn't that she didn't hear you really, she is just trying to be nice and give you another chance to change what you said to begin with. Any they wonder why we don't understand them half the time.

Tags: funny picture women say another chance
Person planking on passenger plane
Added: 3rd November 2011
Views: 2656
Comments: 1

Say that 3 times real fast, Person Planking on Passenger Plane. Not sure what else to say about this funny picture, although I think that guy has a facial expression that is like WTF and the woman thinks it is crazy funny, maybe he could score with her after they land.

Tags: planking planking on plane funny picture
Social media stereotypes
Added: 3rd November 2011
Views: 3426
Comments: 1

What do the various social media stereotypes look like? say for Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc... A very creative and talented design for a funny picture.

Tags: social media stereotypes Facebook Google Twitter
Funny picture of real Duck Tape
Added: 5th November 2011
Views: 2242
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Some people seem to always call Duct tape Duck tape even though that is not correct. Well, here is a funny picture of just what real Duck Tape would look like.

Tags: duck tape funny picture duct tape
Funny use stairs in case of fire
Added: 5th November 2011
Views: 2550
Comments: 1

We have all seen the signs near elevators, in case of fire use the stairs, well this funny picture gives whole new meaning to that phrase.

Tags: in case of fire use stairs funny picture
If you can smell yourself funny picture
Added: 7th November 2011
Views: 2632
Comments: 1

Just a funny picture with some personal advise, if you can smell yourself, well then others have been able to smell you for quite some time now.

Tags: funny picture smell yourself