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Give a man a beer already
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2182
Comments: 0

Funny shirt picture how men and beer, its like the old fishing quote. I think I'll just take the beer, forget about trying to figure out how to make it, I am too lazy for that.

Tags: give beer beer man a beer
Wish you had a dirty wife
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2139
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Funny picture of a dirty truck with a little bit of humorous writing on the back. We have all seen it before, wash me, etc... but this one is particularly funny, guy just wants a dirty wife

Tags: funny picture dirty wife dirty truck
Funny sign for Free Sex
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2276
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Well, I guess you do what you have to do, but it doesn't seem like it would be that comfortable to me. At least someone took the time to make up a funny sign to point you in the direction of free sex.

Tags: funny sign free sex
Funny Halloween sign
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2334
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Ok people, its that time of year again with Halloween just around the corner, but please use some common sense, wearing a mask inside a bank is likely not a good idea and might get you killed.

Tags: Halloween funny sign bank mask
Reasons to drink in a bar
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2496
Comments: 1

Well, if you actually need some good reasons to drink in a bar, here is a funny sign that will point you to nine good reasons to drink in the particular establishment.

Tags: drink in a bar bar funny sign bar sign
Funny sign dont eat the urinal gum
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2203
Comments: 1

Wow, I can't believe this is an actual sign, as funny as it seems there must have been a reason to put up this sign in front of the urinal to begin with. Are people really eating the gum out of a urinal that often that a sign is really needed.

Tags: funny sign urinal gum eating gum
Social Media could kill in a fire
Added: 5th October 2011
Views: 2207
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With so many people using sites like Facebook and Twitter people are becoming to preoccupied to keep up with common sense. In this case this funny sign was put up to make sure that in case of a fire people first got out of the building before starting to tell the world they were in a fire and...

Tags: Social Media funny sign Twitter Facebook fire
Create more Jobs Apple
Added: 5th October 2011
Views: 2461
Comments: 1

Funny political cartoon about creating more jobs in America, and by jobs they don't mean a place for people to go to work, they are talking about Steve Jobs of Apple himself.

Tags: create jobs America Steve Jobs Apple
Funny sign you honk and we will drink
Added: 1st December 2011
Views: 2847
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Now people this is what the whole occupy movement has come to, a bunch of rednecks on the side of the road just looking for some people to honk their horns so they can take a drink. Now that is the 99%. And we wonder what is wrong with this country.

Tags: honk drink occupy movement stupid people rednecks
Having superpowers that are useless
Added: 10th October 2011
Views: 2089
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We of course all would want some superpowers, but what if you had a superpower that was completely useless. 99% of people say they would like to be able to fly if they could get a superpower, but these just don't seem like much fun.

Tags: funny picture superpowers useless