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Men will fix it Eventually
Added: 23rd September 2013
Views: 6362
Comments: 1

A funny picture directed at ladies to let them know that men will fix the problem Eventually. So stop bugging them about it while they are watching the game or having a few beers.

Tags: Funny Picture Men Fix It Ladies Game Beer Fix the Problem
Screen Team GTA 5 Video Spoof
Added: 24th September 2013
Views: 9131
Comments: 1

A funny video from Chad and Angie at Screen Team doing a music video about GTA 5

Tags: Screen Team Angie Chad GTA 5 Funny Video Spoof
Funny Bad Case of the Children
Added: 25th September 2013
Views: 6176
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Just what you want to hear from your Doctor that you have a bad case of what it called Children

Tags: Funny Cartoon Children Doctor Bad Case
No love for dead battery
Added: 12th September 2011
Views: 2366
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This guy or maybe a gal had to leave their car at the meter for too long because of a dead battery, and even wrote a nice funny note asking to not get a ticket. The police gave them no love and wrote them up a ticket anway. Now, I am guessing they have seen this plot before without a doubt....

Tags: funny note funny police ticket dead battery
Prodcut design and implementation
Added: 19th September 2011
Views: 2608
Comments: 1

Even those who are not in the design and implementation field know exactly how funny this picture is because it describes perfect how the process really goes. Doesn't matter in this case if you are the customer, the engineer, or on the sales team, we can all relate.

Tags: funny picture design implementation
Convincing the elderly that they are dead
Added: 27th September 2011
Views: 3418
Comments: 1

A funny video from the Onion about a Social Security scam targeting the elderly and trying to convince them that they are already dead.

Tags: funny video social security scam elderly
Funny picture go Green
Added: 28th September 2011
Views: 2696
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A funny picture telling nothing but the truth about all the simple things we could all do to make a difference in the world by being just a little more green.

Tags: funny picture go green
Calendar says WTF
Added: 28th September 2011
Views: 2619
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Never thought about this before, but obviously very true and funny, you have M,T, WTF, S,S in a calendar, so WTF?

Tags: calendar WTF WTF funny
Ill be watching you funny sign
Added: 28th September 2011
Views: 2716
Comments: 1

Just a funny sign showing that you are being watched by camera and making it funny because it is/was a popular song

Tags: watching you being watched funny sign
Funny lion or a dog picture
Added: 4th October 2011
Views: 2230
Comments: 0

A cool idea and a damn funny picture for sure, looks just like a lion, but I am going to say it is a mutt dog

Tags: lion dog funny picture