Check out this funny note from a frustrated person over the neighbors dog and the fact that they don't pick up their own poop.
funny note dog poop |
Before you even start with the hate comments, sexist pig, etc... it is a funny Monopoly board game picture, a joke and if you don't like it then just move on to the next picture or video.
Monopoly board game womens monopoly funny picture |
We all know IKEA as the neat furniture store that always has something everyone likes for a good price, well now you can buy huge hot dogs there as well... oh darn I see the fine print on the funny sign now that it is not actual size, man I thought it was real, good thing they point out that it...
IKEA furniture hot dog funny sign |
Funny sign for a place where you can check your husband into day care for the day while you go out shopping or whatever else you want to do.
funny sign husband day care |
We have all heard this before from our parents, but today's kids are addicted to video games, the internet, facebook, etc.. and it is difficult to get them to go outside and play. This funny comic sums it up nicely.
funny picture funny comic go outside Facebook |
Funny picture showing just how alike Facebook is to jail. I don't know about the poking part in Facebook , but I am sure it is well documented in jail
Facebook funny picture jail |
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