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Funny letter from Big Black Dude
Added: 31st May 2011
Views: 2772
Comments: 0

Check out this funny letter written by a big black dude to his stupid ignorant neighbor, now that is funny.

Tags: funny letter black dude stupid neighbor
Funny copilot sign
Added: 6th June 2011
Views: 3094
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Ever wonder what the copilot in a plane really does? I mean unless the actual pilot dies what does this guy do for the entire flight? Well, here is your funny sign right in the cockpit that answers your question.

Tags: funny sign copilot plane
The American world view
Added: 6th June 2011
Views: 3634
Comments: 1

Now this is funny, hopefully not completely true, but I bet there are some Americans with this world view in their head, either way please don't take offense if you come from another country, it is meant to be a funny. God bless America!

Tags: American American world view funny America
Funny sign used all your sick days
Added: 8th June 2011
Views: 2655
Comments: 1

Now we finally have a solution for when you use up all your sick days at work! Just call in dead and take the day off, brilliant!

Tags: funny sign sick days work
AT&T TMobile merger funny cartoon
Added: 9th June 2011
Views: 3423
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A very well done and funny cartoon showing how the AT&T and TMobile merger may affect consumers. Here is the thing though, this is the same old boring argument that occurs every time any 2 competitors try to merge and for the most part it is baseless. There would be alot of efficiencies gained...

Tags: AT&T TMobile merger funny cartoon
Funny Starbucks and Lawyer sign
Added: 9th June 2011
Views: 2710
Comments: 1

Now you can grab a cup of coffee, check your email on your Cingular phone and hit the drive thru Lawyer. Although I guess it isn't Cingular anymore, rather AT&T

Tags: Lawyer Cingular AT&T funny sign Starbucks
Congrats on College now Pay your Bills
Added: 29th March 2013
Views: 7394
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A funny picture outlining the serious issue that college graduates face today in finding a good job to pay off all their debt while attending school.

Tags: College Debt Graduates Good Job Jobs School
Funny Parents Signature on a Note
Added: 1st April 2013
Views: 7572
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Ah those crazy kids will try anything to get out of showing that note from school or report card to their parents. Some kids are obviously smarter than others at getting away with it though.

Tags: Parents Signature School Note Report Card Kids Funny
Stupid door sign
Added: 16th June 2011
Views: 2932
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Check out this stupid sign on this door, if it doesn't open then you can't come in, wtf of course if it doesn't open you won't be able to get in

Tags: funny sign door sign stupid sign
Photography dark room sign
Added: 17th June 2011
Views: 2711
Comments: 1

Funny photography dark room sign, everyone knows you have to keep the door closed in a dark room otherwise all the dark will escape and ruin your pictures.

Tags: funny sign dark room photography