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The 3 Idiot Inmates Run Try to Escape
Added: 7th April 2013
Views: 7270
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3 future inmates decide to make a run for it in their big escape, but something seems to get in their way. Their fail is pretty funny to say the least.

Tags: funny fail break escape epic prison idiots
Americas largest 4G network
Added: 20th April 2011
Views: 2507
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I think this is supposed to be a funny tshirt advertisement from T-Mobile about them having the largest 4G network in America, I don't think they could have envisioned it being such a 'wide' and bold statement.

Tags: T-Mobile largest 4G network funny tshirt
Funny lost sign for the show LOST
Added: 24th April 2011
Views: 2609
Comments: 0

A funny lost sign very creatively done for the show LOST for those believers who want it back

Tags: funny sign lost sign show LOST
Funny comment on a Facebook post
Added: 25th April 2011
Views: 4669
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We have all seen those Facebook posts that just aren't quite appropriate to be posting, perhaps you are drunk or a friend tagged you without you knowing. Well here is a post of a couple of babe being fairly innocent, but get caught by the comment bomber

Tags: funny facebook comment funny Facebook posts Facebook
Funny fire escape sign
Added: 26th April 2011
Views: 2890
Comments: 1

A funny sign letting all the employees of this company know what to do in case of a fire.

Tags: funny sign fire sign fire escapte
Cute redneck girl gets pulled over
Added: 12th May 2011
Views: 1828
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Funny if not a somewhat distributing video about how this kinda cute redneck girl got pulled over by the police.

Tags: redneck girl girl pulled over police
United States map of shame
Added: 30th April 2011
Views: 2786
Comments: 1

A very cool map of the Unites States showing each state what is it shamed about, for instance what state is the dumbest, Maine. Hey, I live in Maine! Funny map and scarily accurate at least based on stereotypes, so what is your state worst at?

Tags: United States map of shame United States map
Cop makes slow car get over video
Added: 1st May 2011
Views: 3469
Comments: 1

Check out this video of a Cop getting tired of following this slow car in the fast lane, so he give them a gentle nudge to the other lane. Warning: the guy on this video is extremely annoying...

Tags: cop car slow car in fast lane funny cop video
Funny college article FAIL
Added: 2nd May 2011
Views: 2755
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Check out this chic who wrote an article all about how college isn't necessary, needless to say she failed!

Tags: funny article college article article fail fail
Nasty moldy bowl is almost alive
Added: 3rd May 2011
Views: 2949
Comments: 1

hahaha, a very nasty moldy bowl in a bathroom full of mold, spit, and only god knows what else. One roommate leaves a funny sign to figure out who's bowl it is and says it is almost F'ing alive!

Tags: moldy bowl nasty bathroom