wow, $20 freaking dollars for a crap sandwich really, I can't imagine what this would taste like nor why you would even order it, that is one funny receipt
crap sandwich funny receipt |
We are probably all used to patching and updating our computers, well now you can go out and download something to patch yourself or other humans, introducing version 1.1 of the human hotfix. Forget about working harder just apply this update patch
funny patch human patch |
This homeless guy has obviously been burned a few times by people bouncing checks on him and now he no longer accepts checks from a few people... don't you need a bank account to cash checks though?
funny homeless guy bounced checks no checks |
Funny picture showing just how easy it can indeed be to lock up your scissors to keep them away from your kids or if you are having problems then your spouse as well.
scissor lock funny scissors |
A very creative and funny doormat for your house that will make the girls in skirts think about it when they look down and it says Nice Underwear
funny doormat nice underwear |
And by Bike, I don't mean motorcycle, as you can see this guy really parked his bike that uses manual human power by pedaling in a car parking space. Hmm... I wonder if it will be stolen or crushed first, place your bets
bike parking space funny bike parking |
A married couple was in a terrible accident where the woman's face was severely burned. The doctor told the husband that they couldn't graft any skin from her body because she was too skinny. So the husband offered to donate some of his own skin. However, the only skin on his body that the doctor...
funny joke transplant butt joke |
A funny sign outside of a bar advertising free beer, but you can only get it 'tomorrow'
funny sign free beer beer |
A very funny infographic about just how much Charlie Sheen really is Winning! I think he is a nut job and wouldn't doubt if he is found dead from an overdose this year. Sad, but more likely than not at this point
Charlie Sheen winning nut job |
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