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Pretty Emma Watson and her kittyAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscoutSexy Emma Watson showing her LegsCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsCelebrity Diane LaneLong legs in heels for a sexy selfieElizabeth Ann Roberts 2Screen Team Christmas Parody

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sEX equal to f(un
Added: 17th February 2011
Views: 4297
Comments: 1

Nerdy math equation for Sex is fun, not sure what else to say about this one, other than it is a little clever I guess

Tags: fun sex funny equation
Skeleton stocking legs
Added: 17th February 2011
Views: 3489
Comments: 1

Well, I couldn't in good consience put this in the sexy or stockings category, although I guess it could be sexy depending if that is what you like or not. Kinda a neat idea though, too bad we can't see the rest of her or they aren't sheer stockings though.

Tags: funny skeleton stockings legs
Funny Chain Letter spam picture
Added: 17th February 2011
Views: 3399
Comments: 0

We have all seen these chain letters over and over in our emails, do this and you will get a dollar in the mail, or you won't die tomorrow, or you will have good luck forever, etc.. Post it on Facebook to your status if you support the cause, blah blah blah, all spam basically. Well I have to...

Tags: chain letter funny letter funny spam
Hitchhiker with an axe
Added: 18th February 2011
Views: 2692
Comments: 0

I wonder how many people would stop for this hitchhiker, it you are really trying to catch a ride, it probably isn't the best idea to be wielding an axe in your hand

Tags: hitchhiker axe funny hitchhiker axe
Funny PacMan couples shirts
Added: 18th February 2011
Views: 2707
Comments: 0

Now here is a creative idea for shirts with a little sexual humor. Pacman always did like to eat those dots

Tags: funny pacman shirts pacman shirts pacman
Racist Recycling bin
Added: 18th February 2011
Views: 2974
Comments: 1

Everyone always likes a good racism joke every now and then, well here is a funny picture about a recycle bin saying white paper only, ahahaha

Tags: racist recycling bin racist joke funny racism
Pepsi Gang beat up on a Coke member
Added: 20th February 2011
Views: 3506
Comments: 0

This violence has to stop in America, now we have a gang of Pepsi cans seeking vengeance on their rivals the Coke gang, will this gang violence ever stop.

Tags: funny coke pepsi coca cola
Employees must wash their hands?
Added: 21st February 2011
Views: 3379
Comments: 1

Well, I see a picture that implies that employees must wash their hands before return to work, although I don't think that matches with what I am reading. Imagine the interview for this job....

Tags: employees hand wash funny sign hand wash
Air Force aircraft identification chart
Added: 22nd February 2011
Views: 3728
Comments: 1

Funny identification chart to show you that most of the Air Force planes you think you see in the sky are really just weather balloons. oh and of course the occasional swamp gas as well.

Tags: Air Force funny chart weather balloons
Women No Shirt Free Drink
Added: 22nd February 2011
Views: 2802
Comments: 0

Just goes to show the same rules never apply to both men and women, in this case the old no shirt no service rule applies to men, but for women, if they don't have a shirt they get a free drink! Let all the women cry about how unfair they are treated, but they are the first to take advantage of...

Tags: women no shirt free drink funny sign no service