When it said drive through she took it literally. And yes when I say "she" , I am fairly certain this was a woman driver - let me have the hate comments now....oops and FAIL
funny picture drive thru oops failed |
hahaha, funny picture, Broc Obama, get it , do you get it? and he is even ... green ahahha. No political agenda here, it is just funny and creative
funny picture Broc Obama |
By the sounds of the news and weather reports most of the U.S. is being hammered by snow and that means plows, no school, no work, and fun fun fun .... right? How much snow or snow days are too much? check out this very scientific study on a more common condition called snow overtime. for just...
funny snow picture funny weather reports weather reports |
Yes, you saw it here first, you can now buy your very own donuts seeds and grow your own doughnuts. Yes I spelled donuts both ways and they are both correct, check the dictionary for the differences. They look more like Cheerios to me, but if you really think they are donut seeds give me a call...
funny donuts seeds donut seeds |
Yes, I know Christmas is over and still a long ways off for this year, but thought this nerd tree was pretty funny, if you aren't a nerd you probably won't understand it
nerd Christmas tree nerd |
Everyone knows that nobody can beat Chuck Norris and with this picture we all know where the term Nun chucks really comes from and it isn't from an ancient Okinawan Japan name obviously!
funny Chuck Norris nun chucks nunchucks |
Finally a shirt that spells it out directly. The rules for dating my daughter are as follows. Pretty funny but seriously correct all at the same time.
Dating Daughter Shirt Rules Funny |
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