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Kids Put Car Air Bag in Couch. There Buddy Had  No Clue What Happened
Added: 19th June 2010
Views: 1745
Comments: 0

This kid never thought there would be a remote control air bag in the couch when he sat down to play video games.

Tags: funny WTF
Auntie Annes Pretzel Bad Advertisement
Added: 23rd June 2010
Views: 4252
Comments: 0

Auntie Annes should really find a new company to do their marketing and if they do it themselves... well not sure what to say, but this is a bad advertisement on a billboard for sure.

Tags: funny auntie annes pretzel advertisement
BP Spills Coffee Oil Spill Spoof
Added: 1st July 2010
Views: 3370
Comments: 1

Funny video spoofing BP and the oil spill when they spill coffee all over their table and can't get it cleaned up!

Tags: BP oil spill coffee spoof funny video
Dads Life Funny Video
Added: 7th July 2010
Views: 4617
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Funny Video Gangsta style spoof on how Dads live their life

Tags: funny video dad
Funny Picture Sign Sharp Edges
Added: 9th September 2010
Views: 2990
Comments: 0

Funny picture of a sign that has really sharp edges, you shouldn't touch this sign

Tags: funny sign picture sharp sign
Funny Suicide Jumper Video
Added: 21st July 2010
Views: 3192
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny video of a guy who is going to Jump and the spectators do all they can to save him, I can't go into much more detail without giving it away...

Tags: funny suicide jumper suicide video
Funny Video HTC vs iPhone 4
Added: 22nd July 2010
Views: 3764
Comments: 2

Funny video on how to compare the iPhone 4 vs the HTC EVO. Evidently this video was actually made by a BestBuy employee and somehow they are now trying to fire him over it, even though nowhere does it mention Best Buy anywhere in the video... I guess they think they can somehow control what he...

Tags: Apple iPhone HTC funny video Bestbuy
The Evolution of Dance Funny Video
Added: 4th August 2010
Views: 10061
Comments: 3

Now this is a crazy funny video, guaranteed to make you smile, or your money back? This guy has got some moves to match the pros. 5 minutes watching this will make the rest of your day a good one for certain

Tags: evolution of dance Judson Laipply funny funny video dance video
iPhone Optical Zoom REALLY
Added: 6th August 2010
Views: 3091
Comments: 0

Yes, people this is an actual product that you can buy to add up to 10x optical zoom for your Apple iPhone, I wonder if people actually buy this crap

Tags: iphone optical zoom funny iPhone zoom Apple iPhone
Order your Cheese Grater Slide today
Added: 10th August 2010
Views: 3112
Comments: 0

Ever wondered what it would be like if a slide was made like a Cheese Grater, sure you have, well now we have it, order yours today. If you order in the next 10 minutes we will double your order (just pay extra s&h) and you will get 2 cheese grater slides for the price of one!

Tags: cheese grater slide cheese grater slide funny