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Weird Spooky Cat Eyes Picture
Added: 1st December 2008
Views: 4107
Comments: 0

Crazy weird and even spooky picture with a bunch of cat eyes lit up by a light at night, kinds gives me the creeps, but credit goes to whoever got all these cats to sit there for a picture.

Tags: weird spooky cat eyes picture
Crazy lightning strikes tree
Added: 1st December 2008
Views: 5103
Comments: 1

wow, a crazy picture of lightning striking a tree, I can't even imagine the time that would need to be involved to catch this lightning strike.

Tags: lightning strikes tree crazy video
Crazy Scary Cat Picture
Added: 8th February 2009
Views: 3974
Comments: 0

Somewhat scary , but very cool cat picture, looks like a cat out of a Stephen King movie

Tags: scary cat cat picture cat cool cat Stephen King movie
Crazy one wat street signs
Added: 10th February 2009
Views: 4218
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How would you like to drive down this road, which one way sign would you follow?

Tags: funny sign one way sign crazy street sign
My cuzzin giving ass whoopin
Added: 7th March 2009
Views: 3859
Comments: 0

Crazy video of two chicks fighting it out, she beats the ***** out of this other girl..

Tags: crazy video chicks fighting
Crazy Basketball Net
Added: 10th March 2009
Views: 3243
Comments: 1

Now all they need is a sign that says 'no dunking allowed' , funny basketball net picture

Tags: baseketball net funny picture no dunking
Crazy puzzle
Added: 26th March 2009
Views: 3465
Comments: 1

If you are really good at puzzles , why not present yourself with a challenge for once, how about a transparent puzzle. Lets see you match the pieces up based on color now!

Tags: crazy puzzles transparent puzzle puzzle
Crazy Jenga Game
Added: 7th April 2009
Views: 3009
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Now this is a crazy yet amazing Jenga game, although I am sure it is staged, I would hate to have it be my turn next.

Tags: crazy jenga game Jenga
Crazy Girl on Pain Medication
Added: 14th April 2009
Views: 3975
Comments: 0

This girl in the hospital is on some pain medication and her reaction is crazy.

Tags: Crazy Girl Pain Medication
Deer Jumps over Police Car
Added: 31st May 2009
Views: 4013
Comments: 0

wow, check out this deer on a crowded city street as it completely jumps over a police car that catches it all on the dash cam, now that is a crazy video

Tags: deer police car crazy video dash cam