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Funny Sexy Bud Lite Commercial
Added: 13th August 2008
Views: 7952
Comments: 0

Couple skinny dip in a pool at night all romantic like and don't realize that they are..... being watched. Funny But Lite beer commercial

Tags: funny beer commercial but light skinny dip video
Rejected Olympic Sport: Toddler Tossing
Added: 18th August 2008
Views: 4434
Comments: 1

Now here are a couple of idiot guys that aren't thinking this all the way through. These guys would definitely be contenders if toddler tossing was an Olympic sport. Instead they are one bad throw from having DCFS knocking down the door. What I think is the funniest are the drunk bitcXes in the...

Tags: toddler tossing crazy video
Beer Spirit
Added: 5th November 2008
Views: 3631
Comments: 1

A couple of nice beers just hanging out and showing their spirit, good beers

Tags: funny beer spirit good beer beer
Cute Babe gets her Ass Grabbed
Added: 29th January 2010
Views: 4555
Comments: 1

A couple of cute babes playing with a statue and she gets her ass grabbed as well she should

Tags: cute babe ass grab ass
NASA to Bomb The Moon
Added: 7th October 2009
Views: 3671
Comments: 1

This hasn't been out in the news much, but in a couple of days NASA will be 'bombing' the moon, October 9th, 2009. Now let's get a few facts straight before you watch this idiot on this video. NASA is NOT BOMBING the moon, they are simply ramming a chuck of metal the size of a school bus into...

Tags: NASA moon bomb nukes
Crazy Stalker Guy
Added: 24th October 2009
Views: 2341
Comments: 0

Just a couple of cute girls enjoying a night on the town, but check out the guy in the backgroud stalking them.... da da da......

Tags: Crazy Stalker Guy
Obama Party Crashers
Added: 30th November 2009
Views: 2947
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Everyone has heard by now about the reality wanna-be couple that crashed the presidential dinner and actually met with OBama, the VP, etc..

Tags: Obama party crashers Presidential dinner
Facebook Relationship Status
Added: 11th December 2009
Views: 2373
Comments: 0

Crazy couple getting married and stop the ceremony so that they can both update their Facebook relationship status.

Tags: Facebook Relationship Status
Forget Shotgun Wedding
Added: 19th December 2009
Views: 3617
Comments: 0

This couple isn't messing around, they totally skipped the shotgun wedding and went for a handgun and semi-automatic rifle wedding

Tags: shotgun wedding rifle handgun wedding
Cindy McCain YES for Same Sex Marriage
Added: 21st January 2010
Views: 6308
Comments: 0

Cindy McCain recently posed in a picture with duct tape across her mouth to show her support for same sex marriage. A couple of thoughts here, 1. I bet John is pissed, and 2. I bet John got an erection

Tags: Cindy McCain same sex marriage duct tape