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Adobe WanKenobi funny picture
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 4201
Comments: 1

If you don't laugh at this funny picture then you are obviously not a Star Wars fan and or not a computer geek. Get it, Adobe WanKenobi?

Tags: Adobe WanKenobi Star Wars computer geek funny picture
Apple computer FAIL at Microsoft
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3985
Comments: 0

A Microsoft presentation that is using an Apple computer for the slide show presentation, I would call that a FAIL.

Tags: Apple computer presentation FAIL Microsoft
The value of a good and sexy girlfriend
Added: 16th December 2011
Views: 3625
Comments: 0

So, you have probably never thought about it much, but a good and sexy girlfriend can actually save you a lot of space on your computer hard drive. I will leave the interpretation to you.

Tags: sexy girlfriend computer hard drive good girl
Funny computer operating systems picture
Added: 30th December 2011
Views: 3849
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Just a funny picture showing what various computer operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple, Linux,etc. would look like if there were guns, and I couldn't agree more with the comparison.

Tags: funny picture computer operating systems Microsoft Windows Apple Linux
The human brain CPU motherboard
Added: 3rd January 2012
Views: 3847
Comments: 1

A funny picture showing a human head xRay looking like a computer CPU and motherboard of a computer you can even see the fans

Tags: funny picture human brain CPU motherboard computer
Hot picture girl on girl planking
Added: 30th January 2012
Views: 5521
Comments: 0

If you havent heard of planking by now then you need to stay at home in front of your computer more, but here is a hot picture of a girl on girl planking job.

Tags: hot picture girl on girl planking computer picture
Computer Mouse funny picture
Added: 27th June 2012
Views: 5079
Comments: 0

A funny picture of what a computer mouse would look like if taken very literally.

Tags: computer mouse computer funny picture funny mouse
Computer motherboard human brain
Added: 25th July 2012
Views: 5363
Comments: 0

A neat xray picture of a human head with a computer motherboard for a brain.

Tags: computer motherboard human brain xray
Computer Based Work Week Funny Comic
Added: 11th September 2012
Views: 6629
Comments: 2

This funny comic likely portrays how your work week looks as far as your mood, but what happens on Saturday when you are home, probably on the computer again, but just using Facebook instead of working and you have a window.

Tags: Funny comic Work Week Facebook your mood computers
Now This is Taking Control
Added: 7th February 2013
Views: 5096
Comments: 0

A funny picture of the geek - computer type showing you just exactly how to take Control

Tags: Funny Picture Taking Control Geek Computer