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Computer Tan Funny Video
Added: 9th May 2011
Views: 4355
Comments: 1

Wow, what a great product, now you can turn your computer monitor into a tanning machine. Of course it is guaranteed or your money back, order now, blah blah

Tags: computer tan funny video
How to fix any computer
Added: 29th May 2011
Views: 3494
Comments: 2

A quick infographic how to on how to fix any computer, it doesn't matter if it is a Microsoft Windows, Apple, or even a Linux computer.

Tags: fix computer Microsoft Apple Linux computer fix
The new Apple iCube
Added: 24th June 2011
Views: 3614
Comments: 1

Introducing and all new product from Apple Computers. There has never been anything like this all new iCube, forget the iPhone that is old news. Try the new iCube and make your life happier. You will buy this because it is made by Apple and has an "i" in the name.

Tags: Apple iCube iPhone
Microsoft Mouse mouse
Added: 24th June 2011
Views: 3352
Comments: 0

Forget your old wireless computer mouse that interferes with all of your electronics, act now and get the all new Microsoft Mouse mouse for free, plus a small shipping and handling fee.

Tags: Microsoft mouse computer mouse
Angry Birds are real and scary
Added: 3rd October 2011
Views: 2965
Comments: 0

Everyone that has a computer for sure knows about the viral game Angry Birds, well, here is proof that they are real and scary as hell

Tags: Angry Birds scary
What a real Apple computer looks like
Added: 27th October 2011
Views: 1912
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny picture of what a true Apple computer really looks like, this is hardcore

Tags: Apple computer funny picture hardcore
Guys fails at sneaking a skirt peek
Added: 12th November 2011
Views: 4726
Comments: 1

Check out this guy trying to sneek a little peek up this cute babes skirt while she is innocently on her computer. Although I certainly can't say I blame him for trying since she has made it so easy, I am going to say he FAILS since he is busted on camera. Or perhaps the look was worth it and...

Tags: skirt peek sneak peek upskirt guy fails fail
Anime cartoon operating systems
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 2861
Comments: 1

Check out this creative and very true anime cartoon comparison of the various computer operating systems in use today, like Windows, Linux, OS X, and Free BSD.

Tags: anime cartoon computers operating systems Windows Linux OS X Free BSD
Vintage Apple IIe computer with Linux
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 2811
Comments: 0

A great throwback vintage picture of an Apple IIe computer, check out those massive disk drives, well, floppy disk drives I should say.

Tags: Apple IIe Apple computer vintage picture
Seven deadly keyboard keys
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2246
Comments: 0

You have heard of the seven deadly sins right, well, here is the same for those computer geek nerds on your keyboard.

Tags: seven deadly keyboard keys deadly sins