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FLASHBACK to 1981 News on the computer
Added: 30th January 2009
Views: 2590
Comments: 0

Its just cool to look back and see how we were already have advanced so much

Tags: newspaper home computer
Computers are like toilets
Added: 10th February 2009
Views: 4535
Comments: 0

Or should it be toilets are like computers, not sure, but this is still a pretty funny picture analogy.

Tags: computers toilets analogy funny picture
Man sues his computer too fast
Added: 23rd February 2009
Views: 2933
Comments: 0

A man is now suing a software company because they have made his computer, too fast, can you believe this crap?

Tags: funny man software company computer too fast
Fix computer for Sexual favors
Added: 3rd March 2009
Views: 4710
Comments: 1

I guess it is somewhat like the 'will work for beer' signs you always see only better. Hey, you, I'll fix your computer, give me a little sexual favor first, sorry no checks accepted.

Tags: computer sexual favor
Computer Programming Help Wanted
Added: 29th March 2009
Views: 3116
Comments: 0

My, how times have changed, not sure when this came out, but I am guessing before 1975, computer programmer came back up to $12,000 a year wow...

Tags: computer programmer old help wanted
Caffeine Coffee Machine
Added: 31st May 2009
Views: 3544
Comments: 1

An old computer server converted into a super caffeine coffee making machine!

Tags: caffeine coffee machine coffee
Apple How it all Started
Added: 22nd July 2009
Views: 3009
Comments: 0

Cool retro picture of how Apple computer got started, obviously yes people before you all start commenting, it is a fake and meant to be funny..... geeezz

Tags: apple typewriter fake picture
Funny Computer Operator Picture
Added: 14th September 2009
Views: 3583
Comments: 1

Well this sure does take the term Computer Operator literally for sure.

Tags: funny computer operator picture
Funny Windows File Copy Spoof
Added: 9th December 2009
Views: 3546
Comments: 1

We have all seen it, well if you run a Windows computer. The file copy dialog box can change its estimate dramatically when a file is being copied, hence this very funny cartoon spoof

Tags: windows spoof computer file copy cartoon
Crazy Amazing Great Apple Video
Added: 22nd September 2009
Views: 3061
Comments: 1

Apple keynote address they are amazing, great, incredible, easy, good. Funny

Tags: funny apple computer video