The beautiful Julia Stiles showing us a little leg while relaxing in a bed, a bed that could really use some sheets I might add, but I guess that isn't what we should be looking at. A beautiful celebrity babe
Julia Stiles beautiful Juilia Stiles bed celebrity babe |
Jennifer Morrison looking very pretty here, but come on with the paint brushing, this is just overkill for such a cute celebrity as Jennifer
Jennifer Morrision pretty face cute |
Mena Suvari looking very sultry in this outfit showing off all of her legs and even some sexy heels, a perfect example of a sexy celebrity babe
Mena Suvari celebrity babe sultry legs |
While not really a celebrity in the actress sense of the word, Alison Angel is very well known for her soft sexy teasing of men with her beautiful looks.
sexy Alison Angel tease beautiful |
Two of Americas favorite celebrity felons (I guess they aren't technically felons since they were found not guilty), Kacey Anthony and OJ Simpson, at least our legal system is an equal opportunity screw up.
Kacey Anthony OJ Simpson felons |
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