A few button ideas for Facebook to give us to respond to all these worthless status updates. They cant expect us to really just use the single LIKE button for everything can they.
Facebook Buttons LIKE New Buttons Status Updates |
Now this is awesome, we have all heard about how great jobs are at Google, crazy benefits, free dry cleaning, spas, etc.... now you can get a job with Google as an auto complete specialist. Don't know what that is? well when you type a search in on the Google site you are instantly presented...
Goolge jobs auto complete search results |
We have all tried this hoops game at the arcades, malls, etc... some of us are better than other, score more baskets, blah blah, but check out this kid, like 600 points using his left and right hand in a constant stream of basketballs going into the hoop
basketball video crazy kid hoops hoops video |
This sign makes absolutely no sense, well, I guess it does add up mathematically, but who wants to see a sign about a deal that is $0 off? FAIL
fail sign stupid sign fail |
In case of an emergency where getting a first aid kit quickly is absolutely essential..... a locked away first aid kit is NOT what you want to see.
locked first aid kit first aid |
I wonder how bad the weather has to be outside for people like this to stay in for days on end, trying these shots over and over. Granted i think it looks cool, but haven't you got anything else to do?
crazy pong shot video pong video |
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