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Celebrity Kate Beckinsale Diet Coke
Added: 22nd November 2008
Views: 5145
Comments: 1

Sexy celebrity Kate Beckinsale shows off her bikini body while advertising for diet coke.

Tags: Kate Beckinsale diet Coke sexy celebrity bikini
The Sneeze
Added: 3rd October 2009
Views: 2141
Comments: 0

A new advertising campaign urging South Australians to get a flu shot has been launched. This advert by the South Australian Department of Health has a high yuck factor but a very serious message

Tags: sneeze
Free Beer tomorrow sign
Added: 6th April 2011
Views: 3059
Comments: 1

A funny sign outside of a bar advertising free beer, but you can only get it 'tomorrow'

Tags: funny sign free beer beer
Advertised product and what you really get
Added: 27th November 2011
Views: 3003
Comments: 1

Ever wonder how stuff like this isn't defined as false advertising? I mean, rarely does the product you see advertised on TV, billboards, etc... ever look like what you actually get if you order one. Fast food is perhaps the most notorious, check out these funny and somewhat disturbing pictures...

Tags: advertising false advertisement McDonald\