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What will happen to old people when the cable switches
Added: 30th October 2008
Views: 2337
Comments: 0

Very funny video of what will happen when the government switches the TVs from analog to digital

Lady Sitters Video
Added: 30th October 2008
Views: 3535
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Funny video about getting your wife someone to do all those things guys don't want to do, cuddling, dance, decorations, etc.. Just call Lady Sitters and they will deliver a gay guy to your house to take of all those deeds while you are out having fun.

Tags: laddy sitters funny video
Excel Music Video
Added: 3rd November 2008
Views: 4124
Comments: 1

wow, a music video made solely in Microsoft Excel, now this guy had too much time on his hands, very cool though.

Tags: Microsoft Excel music video cool video
Domesticated Pet Deer Video
Added: 1st June 2010
Views: 4929
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Really, a pet Deer living in your house like a pet dog or cat? This deer turns on and off lights, is potty trained, amazing...

Tags: pet deer video pet deer deer video
Britney Spears Womanizer Picture
Added: 4th November 2008
Views: 4578
Comments: 1

Sexy Britney Spears picture from her new song Womanizer video

Tags: Britney Spears Womanizer sexy picture
Star Trek 90210
Added: 21st November 2008
Views: 3553
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Star Trek meets 90210 in a very funny movie spoof with the classic 90201 theme music

Tags: Star Trek 90210 spoof video funny video movie
Jimmy Kimmel Gulf Oil Spill Video
Added: 6th May 2010
Views: 3296
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Funny video with Jimmy Kimmel about the BP Gulf Oil Spill and the best way to clean it all up

Tags: Jimmy Kimmel gulf oil spill funny video
New Sexy Britney Spears Picture
Added: 28th November 2008
Views: 4128
Comments: 1

Britney Spears is back and is looking as hot as ever, here is a new picture taken after her new Womanizer video

Tags: Britney Spears sexy picture Womanizer video
Cool Ball Split Pool Trick
Added: 1st December 2008
Views: 2456
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In this ball splitting video you will view a cool pool trick were you can actually split two balls with the cue ball.

Tags: Cool Ball Split Pool Trick
Crazy lightning strikes tree
Added: 1st December 2008
Views: 5103
Comments: 1

wow, a crazy picture of lightning striking a tree, I can't even imagine the time that would need to be involved to catch this lightning strike.

Tags: lightning strikes tree crazy video