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Awesome video crashes 2011
Added: 10th January 2012
Views: 3713
Comments: 0

A crazy videos of all the awesome crashes that happened in 2011

Tags: awesome video crazy crashes 2011
Crazy video of babe with tongue skills
Added: 10th January 2012
Views: 3664
Comments: 0

Check out this crazy video of a babe with some very amazing skills with her tongue and some music.

Tags: crazy video babe tongue skills music amazing video
Inverted Ice Fishing amazing video
Added: 10th January 2012
Views: 3904
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If you like ice fishing then you will find this video just amazing. Even if you don't know what ice fishing is you will be amazed at this. Basically these guys are under the water upside down fishing through the ice to the top.

Tags: ice fishing amazing video under water upside down inverted
A hot Kristen Bell video and pictures
Added: 10th January 2012
Views: 4347
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Check out some of the best and most rare Kristen Bell videos and picture ever, she is simply amazing! One of the most sexy actresses with the best legs and a$$

Tags: Kristen Bell videos pictures amazing sexy
Funny picture on how to confuse an idiot
Added: 11th January 2012
Views: 4851
Comments: 1

Funny picture of just exactly how you could easily confuse some idiot web surfer looking for a video on youtube. Now if you don't get this and are still click, let us know in the comments.... please

Tags: funny picture confuse an idiot fake video web surfer
Group guitar playing crazy video
Added: 11th January 2012
Views: 4637
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An amazing video of 5 people playing a single guitar for the song Walk off the Earth Gotye - Cover

Tags: crazy video guitar playing group of people Walk off the Earth Gotye - Cover
Funny video stuff that girls dont say
Added: 16th January 2012
Views: 6768
Comments: 1

A quick and funny video about the stuff that you will never hear girls say, well at least most girls wont say any of these things

Tags: funny video girls wont say girls girl stuff
Funny video showing 10 popular misconceptions
Added: 28th January 2012
Views: 4627
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A very funny video of 10 misconceptions that for the most part are very surprising. No the Great Wall of China is not visible from space really and no it is not the only object you can see from space. And of course you do use more than 10% of your brain.

Tags: funny video 10 misconceptions misconceptions Great Wall of China
Emma Watson naughty video shoot
Added: 29th January 2012
Views: 5124
Comments: 1

Emma Watson gets a little bit naughty in this video photo shoot, no not as naughty as you probably might like, but at least dressed like the not so nice girl that you bring home to mom.

Tags: Emma Watson naughty video photo shoot nice girl naughty
Funny Video prank radar speed camera
Added: 30th January 2012
Views: 6924
Comments: 1

A very funny video of a guy dressed like a radar speed camera on various roads and flashing cars as they go by, right up until the police pass him and he is taken off in the squad car.

Tags: funny video speed prank prank speed camera radar camera police