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Kristen Bell House of Lies video
Added: 18th November 2011
Views: 3088
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Kristen Bell will be in a new series starting in 2012 called House of Lies, here is a preview video of just how hot this show is going to be with her.

Tags: Kristen Bell House of Lies new series preview video video
Funny Video Ellen DeGeneres Breaking Dawn
Added: 21st November 2011
Views: 2193
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I bet you didn't know that Ellen DeGeneres was in the movie Ellen DeGeneres, now that is a funny video. Her legs look pretty nice actually.

Tags: Ellen DeGeneres Breaking Dawn funny video
American Reunion Trailer
Added: 22nd November 2011
Views: 2328
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Yes, you heard it right, the new sequel to the original American Pie movie with all the original cast, American Reunion including Stifler's mom and or course the Sherminator. Check out this trailer video and get ready.

Tags: American Reunion trailer video American Pie sequel
Midori West video how to dry an iPhone
Added: 23rd November 2011
Views: 2734
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Have you ever dropped your Apple iPhone in the toilet or otherwise got it soaking wet to the point where it just won't work? If so, check out this sweet video with Midori West showing you 10 steps to fix your wet iPhone.

Tags: Midori West wet iPhone Apple iPhone video
Crazy video of Octopus walking on land
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2009
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Check out this crazy video at a Marine Reserve with an Octopus coming out of the water and walking around the land for the visitors, very cool video.

Tags: crazy video octopus walking on land marine reserve
Man deer hunting or bear man hunting
Added: 25th November 2011
Views: 2738
Comments: 1

Check out this crazy video of a man in his tree stand hunting for a deer when he records a bear in the distance that decides to climb his ladder stand and gets a little too close. This guy is as calm as they come. Notice how the bear tracked his scent all the way to the stand, think the bear...

Tags: deer hunting crazy video bear tree stand
Funny special forces video
Added: 26th November 2011
Views: 3814
Comments: 1

Now this is a funny video about a couple of guys in the special forces, and by special forces I really do mean special.

Tags: funny video special forces special guys special forces video
Kate Beckinsale threesome video
Added: 26th November 2011
Views: 4010
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Check out Kate Beckinsale in this hot video from the movie Laurel Canyon of her in the pool with another woman and a man.

Tags: Kate Beckinsale hot video threesome
Carly Foulkes funny T-Mobile commercials
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 3354
Comments: 1

Check out this crazy funny video with Carly Foulkes with many of those T-Mobile vs AT&T commercials all in a single video.

Tags: Carly Foulkes T-Mobile funny commercials AT&T T-Mobile girl
Whitetail buck deer tries to mount girl
Added: 29th November 2011
Views: 4608
Comments: 1

I really need to take this girl with me hunting, check out this crazy funny video of this Whitetail buck deer following her around and trying to mount her! The guy taping is kind of annoying, but you have to see this to believe it.

Tags: whitetail deer buck crazy video funny video deer mount