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Basketball and Frisbee tricks video
Added: 15th October 2011
Views: 1996
Comments: 0

A crazy video showcasing all of the crazy basketball and Frisbee trick shots. I can't imagine they really got these in one take, but impressive none the less. I have tried a few of these myself and while they are certainly possible it takes quite some time to get em done.

Tags: basketball trick shot frisbee trickshots trick shots crazy video
Crazy wiffle ball skills video
Added: 27th October 2011
Views: 2286
Comments: 0

Check out how this guy can work a wiffle ball in this video, these are some crazy skills, too bad he won't really be able to apply them to anything real in life, but a crazy video to watch for sure.

Tags: wiffle ball crazy video skills
Crazy video music with a GameBoy
Added: 2nd November 2011
Views: 2285
Comments: 1

Now this is a crazy video of a guy playing music with nothing but a Nintendo GameBoy. Watch and you will be amazed, I think he uses just about every part of the Gameboy to get bass, drums, slide, etc... very cool video

Tags: Nintendo GameBoy crazy video music video Nintendo Gameboy
Streaker interrupts Hayden Panettiere
Added: 7th November 2011
Views: 2795
Comments: 1

Now this is a crazy video where Hayden Panettiere gets interrupted while on stage by a naked streaker at the MTV Europe Video Music Awards! I think she may have even blushed a little bit.

Tags: Hayden Panettiere naked streaker MTV awards crazy video
Dog pees while walking on front legs
Added: 13th November 2011
Views: 3867
Comments: 0

Check out this crazy video of a dog peeing while walking on his (or hers not sure) front legs, now that is some crazy sh@t.

Tags: crazy video dog peeing walking dog peeing
Crazy Musical card trick video
Added: 14th November 2011
Views: 2245
Comments: 1

Check out this guy doing some crazy magic card tricks to music. Listen to the numbers called out in the music and watch him throw down those exact cards and more. Amazing slide of hand skills

Tags: music card trick crazy video slide of hand
Funny prank video Pink Elephants
Added: 15th November 2011
Views: 2799
Comments: 0

Now this is a funny video prank all about people seeing a pink elephant.

Tags: funny prank prank video funny video pink elephant
Candace Bailey sexy video
Added: 15th November 2011
Views: 3487
Comments: 0

Candace Bailey teases us with a video on how to be sexy and she is looking very nice in her lingerie.

Tags: Candace Bailey sexy video lingerie
Very cool Fingerboard Video
Added: 15th November 2011
Views: 2065
Comments: 1

We have all seen kids with those fingerboard skateboards, but this guy has taken it to a whole new level of skill for a fingerboard.

Tags: fingerboard video fingerboard cool video
Penelope Cruz Nine video
Added: 15th November 2011
Views: 2434
Comments: 0

A hot video of Penelope Cruz dancing in lingerie from her movie Nine.

Tags: Penelope Cruz sexy dancing lingerie movie Nine