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Elizabeth Ann Roberts 2Sexy Emma Watson showing her LegsCute Debby Ryan in stockings and bootsCelebrity Diane LaneScreen Team Christmas ParodyLong legs in heels for a sexy selfiePretty Emma Watson and her kittyAngie Griffin YouTube babe looking very sexy with her legs and boobs as a hot girlscout

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Cameron Diaz video in her Bikini
Added: 5th August 2011
Views: 3948
Comments: 1

A little video of cute Cameron Diaz in her bikini, and let's face it, who doesn't like to see her looking nice and hot

Tags: Cameron Diaz bikini video
Womens Monopoly board game
Added: 20th August 2011
Views: 3457
Comments: 1

Before you even start with the hate comments, sexist pig, etc... it is a funny Monopoly board game picture, a joke and if you don't like it then just move on to the next picture or video.

Tags: Monopoly board game womens monopoly funny picture
Go outside and play
Added: 31st August 2011
Views: 3267
Comments: 0

We have all heard this before from our parents, but today's kids are addicted to video games, the internet, facebook, etc.. and it is difficult to get them to go outside and play. This funny comic sums it up nicely.

Tags: funny picture funny comic go outside Facebook
Paper Airplane Like a Boss
Added: 23rd September 2013
Views: 7422
Comments: 1

A cool video on how to make a paper airplane fly almost indefinitely like a boss.

Tags: Paper Airplane Cool Video Like a Boss Fly Airplan
Screen Team GTA 5 Video Spoof
Added: 24th September 2013
Views: 9140
Comments: 1

A funny video from Chad and Angie at Screen Team doing a music video about GTA 5

Tags: Screen Team Angie Chad GTA 5 Funny Video Spoof
Cool extreme sports video
Added: 22nd September 2011
Views: 2782
Comments: 1

The video is a little over 5 minutes long, but a very cool look at extreme sports and just how amazing and daring some of these guys are. Yes perhaps some of them are girls too, but either way they are amazing to watch and great tunes too.

Tags: extreme sports cool video
Convincing the elderly that they are dead
Added: 27th September 2011
Views: 3420
Comments: 1

A funny video from the Onion about a Social Security scam targeting the elderly and trying to convince them that they are already dead.

Tags: funny video social security scam elderly
RC copter test goes very bad
Added: 28th September 2011
Views: 2086
Comments: 0

Check out this crazy video with a test of a RC remote controlled copter does not go quite to plan and I guarantee you will not expect what happens!

Tags: RC copter test crazy video
Pendulum Waves cool video
Added: 10th October 2011
Views: 2488
Comments: 0

See guys, they did this or similar fun experiments in school when you were young, but they didn't seem nearly as cool and now you are old. Kids, pay attention in class, Pendulum waves are cool, just see for yourself in this cool video.

Tags: pendulum waves cool video
Crazy EPIC video compilation
Added: 15th October 2011
Views: 2339
Comments: 1

Every movie or show you have ever liked all wrapped up into less than 4 minutes of your time with a great soundtrack, an amazing epic video complication for all time.

Tags: epic video video compilation