Instead of the normal boring random letters for an eye test why not make it interesting? oh, I guess because then you would know what to expect, ok, but funny anyway
funny eye test funny sign eye test |
Should be common sense, but this bank felt that it happened to often so now they are asking their customers to remove their ski masks before entering the bank. I sure hope this bank is somewhere like Alaska or somewhere really cold, can't believe they would really need a funny sign posted for this.
ski masks bank funny sign |
We have all seen this slow children sign before and laughed, but with the added 1000 points each, it is very hard to resist
slow children sign |
Funny sign some guy posted on how he is missing his imaginary friend and even put a picture of his friend... or lack thereof
missing imaginary friend funny sign |
Really, a place called 'The Foxhole' exotic dancers are looking to hire just 1 pretty stripper babe, but 2 ugly dancers? Shouldn't it be the other way around at least?
foxhole sexy dancers exotic dancers funny sign |
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