hahaha, now this sign brings out all the dirty thoughts in my head for sure. I think they would have thought about this placement just a little bit better. Oh well, make for funny material for us to laugh at anyway.
ladies slippery wet |
WTF, you know you have a problem in your neighborhood if you actually have to post signs that say this is a No Ho Zone, wow
no ho zone stupid sign ho zone |
It kinda makes you wonder does this happen that often that a sign actually needed to be created to stop such action, and if it really happens that often do we really think a little funny sign is going to stop it?
grabbing boobs funny sign |
Now here is a sign that our tax dollars went towards to just say don't throw stones at it? What about shooting, bottles, and is there an actual difference between a stone and a rock? Think they would have been better of asking for stone to be thrown at it, then it would probably be nice and...
stone sign stupid sign |
When I first saw this I just thought it was my dirty mind, but I have starred and starred at this picture for quite some time now and still can't figure out why they would choose these designs to get their point across, the only one I can see making any sense is the pregnant logo.
dirty mind subway sign |
Now I have seen some fairly strange fetishes in my day, but what are they thinking here, is there really a high demand for fence f'ing? Ok, if I am now being logical , I am guessing they are trying to prevent people from climbing it, but aren't there better ways to accomplish that task? I can...
lubricant fence funny sign |
I can't quite figure what they are trying to stop here? Sword carrying guy with skirt and tentacles coming out of the back of heads are prohibited if they are riding a motorcycle? Is there really a problem with this that I just haven't heard about on CNN?
motorcycle sword guy stupid sign |
Now here is a stop sign you gotta love. We want you to stop and then.... don't do a damn thing, stay where you are, don't pass go, don't collect anything, don't backup. Get out of your vehicle and walk away. Perhaps some time of new age carjacking?
stop sign stupid sign |
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