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Why it is hard to be a woman today
Added: 4th February 2012
Views: 4787
Comments: 0

A funny sign depicting exactly why some think it is hard to be a woman today. Act like a lady and work like a horse! ahahha

Tags: funny funny sign hard to be a woman act like a lady
Vegetarian Indian name for bad hunter
Added: 13th February 2012
Views: 5592
Comments: 1

A funny sign that shows the true translation of the word Vegetarian meaning that the person basically just cant hunt and thus is forced to eat grass.

Tags: Vegetarian funny sign Indian name bad hunter
Socially constructed ideas of beauty
Added: 24th February 2012
Views: 5047
Comments: 0

A funny serious and somewhat annoying mirror and sign about how society sees beauty. We see beauty like everyone, a nice babe with blonde hair with some curves.

Tags: funny sign ideas of beauty funny mirror beauty social
Funny disc jockey sign
Added: 28th February 2012
Views: 4881
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Now this is the kind of disc jockey you need at your party, one that can spin the tunes and get creative with the signs and make a little money on it too!

Tags: disc jockey funny sign party spin tunes
Beer deal at a local bar funny sign
Added: 1st March 2012
Views: 5270
Comments: 1

A funny sign for a great deal on some beer at a local bar

Tags: beer local bar funny sign beer deal
Funny sign Pay Attention people
Added: 10th April 2012
Views: 6545
Comments: 1

We have all seen these stupid people walking down the sidewalk or worse yet in the road while trying to check their email or text messages on their phone right, well here is the perfect funny sign for those stupid people

Tags: funny sign pay attention stupid people text messages
Wine or water funny picture
Added: 2nd May 2012
Views: 5361
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At least this could be a way that you could enjoy your wine while have deniability in that you thought it was water. Yes officer I had a few bottles of water before driving, strange.

Tags: wine water funny picture funny sign
Kohls and Dicks funny sign
Added: 25th July 2012
Views: 5623
Comments: 0

ya I used to like shopping at Kohls but I think that may change after reading this funny sign

Tags: Kohls funny sign funny Dicks
Funny sign about living near farms
Added: 4th August 2012
Views: 6024
Comments: 1

A funny sign about people who live or are looking to live near farms. Yes animals make sounds, stink, and have sex.

Tags: funny sign animals farm living farms
Dead Body public safety stupid sign
Added: 6th August 2012
Views: 6219
Comments: 1

Now here is one funny if not stupid sign looking out for public safety just in case you happen to find a dead body on this property.

Tags: dead body public safety stupid sign sign funny