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Stupid sign on a gate
Added: 10th December 2011
Views: 4237
Comments: 0

Not sure what the owner is trying to really accomplish here with no fence and just a gate, but I don't think this stupid sign to keep it closed is really going to help much.

Tags: stupid sign gate fence
Troops need your help support them
Added: 10th December 2011
Views: 3436
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Our troops in the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan need your help, support them by sending more cardboard for their funny signs.

Tags: troops Iraq Afghanistan support your troops funny signs cardboard
Funny sign what kind of a person are you
Added: 12th December 2011
Views: 3396
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A funny sign pointing out exactly the difference in Great, Average, and small people. This would be a great sign to hang up at my workplace.

Tags: funny sign people kinds of people great people
No Alcohol beyond this point funny sign
Added: 6th January 2012
Views: 3900
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A funny sign that tells you no alcohol is allowed beyond this point, and the very kindly offers you a solution to the problem.

Tags: funny sign alcohol beyond this point funny
Funny sign scarce building restrooms
Added: 21st December 2011
Views: 3403
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In this building they have put up a funny sign letting you know just how scarce the restrooms are in the building, basically it wouldn't be good to be stuck on the 21st floor...

Tags: funny sign restrooms scarce restrooms funny
Funny sign centipede bug killed
Added: 19th December 2011
Views: 3551
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No doubt this took place in some dorm room across the country, but this college guy sure did send those centipedes a message loud and clear with his little post it note, oh and funny.

Tags: funny sign centipedes post it note
System administrator IT funny sign
Added: 20th December 2011
Views: 3477
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Funny sign from the IT System administrator telling you to not feed his intern, they are tearing him down to build him up to be a new Sys Admin, cocky and the whole bit.

Tags: system administrator IT funny sign sys admin
Steve Jobs death sad sign
Added: 22nd December 2011
Views: 3633
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A creative and sad but true sign about how Apple Steve Jobs death compares to the rest of the deaths in the world.

Tags: Steve Jobs Apple death sad sign
Help Wanted funny sign
Added: 30th December 2011
Views: 3485
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A funny Help Wanted sign at some type of pudding factory, now why wouldn't you want to work here, at least they are honest!

Tags: help wanted funny sign pudding
Funny sign driving carefully fail
Added: 4th January 2012
Views: 4025
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Check out this funny sign warning people to drive carefully, well, lets just say this guy failed for sure.

Tags: funny sign drive carefully warning people guy failed fail driving